Thursday, April 17, 2008

He's back...the man behind the mask.

Ok first and for most, who ever keeps posting comments on here as anonymous needs to start signing their posts. I hate people asking me for pics of 3/4 naked me and not even telling me who they are. How do I know you aren't going to take that pic and put it into gay porn or something?? I mean if it was straight porn I might be ok with it but gay porn, not so much. I of course have nothing against gay people I just don't want to be in their porn.

Also someone asked me what a "con" is. That is short for convention...which is a social gathering of nerds were we all get together and pay a company to let us walk around and spend more money on shit we don't really need...wait a sec, that seams like a ripoff...oh well.

So now that business is out of the way on to more exciting things. Well really not that exciting. Work is still going well, I am making decent money but not great. I am thinking about getting a second job just to help pay bills and what not. I did end up winning those Magic tickets on my first night, I did not end up using them. My roommate took them and gave them to one of his co-workers. I also did not end up getting the manager positon at work, they hired someone with a lot more experience then I had but that is ok and I totally understand that.

Things are not going so well with Holly, to the point that I am pretty sure it isn't going to go anywhere. I did meet someone at Megacon that was cute and she seems interested in me so I am going out with her this weekend. We will see how that goes, so far she seems really cool and fun. The only down side is she is a big anime fan, and as I am sure most of you know I despise anime. But hey if that is the only thing wrong with her then all is well.

Later I will post about how I am getting some free Dark Knight posters directally from Warner Bros. all through lies. But not right now.

Also and this one is a bit weirder, I have started buying toys for my I don't have kids, nor have I impregnated anyone and I have no plans to do so anytime soon. But I have started buying GI Joe toys for them. I just decided I didn't want my kids to grow up with out GI Joe and the new twenty fifth anniversery figures are really cool. So I am getting them some now while I can before they are hard to find or super expensive. I know, I am insane.