Monday, May 12, 2008


Welcome back friends and people who got duped into coming here. So things are pretty much the same around here only a few quick updates.

So I went out with the girl I met at Megacon last Friday. Her name is Ashley, and is very cute. We went to Universal (both parks) and had a great time. She is a lot of fun and I really enjoyed hanging out with her. She is a bit crazy, but the fun kind, not the psycho kind. It's still too early to tell much more then that. I am definitely looking forward to a second date with her. She seems to be into that idea too so we will see how that goes maybe next week.

My workouts are going well, I am really starting to see some good muscle increases in my arms and chest. That probably comes from all the upper-body workouts I have been doing....I'm not too sure though. I have lost a little bit of definition in my abs from taking the month off after Megacon and since I stopped taking the Hydroxycut. But I am working on getting it back and losing the last bits of fat I need to.

I don't have much else to say. So I am out. Adios.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Nothing new here..

Welcome back folks. I once again haven't updated in a while because nothing really new has been going on. I have been working a lot. Work has been getting really slow, which sucks in a job that my income depends on how busy we are. I have been working twice as much just to make three quarters the amount of money I was making when I started. I am really thinking about finding a second job. I really do like this one and don't want to leave but I am just thinking I need something else also.

Some fun news, two weeks ago several of us: Dave, Greg, Dave's friend AJ and I went to play some paintball up in Ocala at Wayne's World again. It was a blast as per usual. It wasn't quite as much fun as it was in December as there wasn't nearly as many people and we noticed a lot more cheating going on but still even a bad weekend of paintball is better then the best day of working. We all got shot a bunch of times, and dozens of people went home with welts on their body from me but that is the name of the game. One thing I have noticed since I have started working out playing paintball is much easier psychically since I am in so much better shape then I used to be. I can now run for long distances with out being dead at the end, I can sprint and still be able to shoot and move with out breathing heavy. It is great.

On the woman front, things have been going steady downhill with Holly, we haven't talked in at least a week and I haven't seen her in like two. I wish things would go better but it just doesn't look like that is going to happen. I have tried to be patient but I don't know how much longer I want to wait.

I know I mentioned possibly going out with another girl I met at Mega but that didn't happen on three separate occasions when we tried. I have made plans to go out with her this Friday but if it doesn't happen because she bails on me again I am going to take that to mean she doesn't want to do it anymore. Hopefully it will go well for us and we can get together and she is fun but we will see.

Well I think that is about all. I know I have mentioned it before but incase you forgot GO EAT at Krystal! Best fast food I have had in years. I love those tiny burgers.

Oh I forgot I have seen a bunch of movies latley. Here are some quick reviews, no words just grades.

Iron Man A+

Forgetting Sara Marshall B+ (would have been more but I really was upset to see that dude's cock as often as it happen in that damn movie!)

Harold and Kumar 2 B

The Forbidden Kingdom C+