Sunday, March 16, 2008

Insert title here.

Well someone asked for pics of something, I assume either my spartan or just the cons in general but I am lazy and don't feel like posting them. Sorry. Sucks to be you.

So today was my first day of serving alone at work. This place has a very structured training program, to the likes of which I have never seen before. I spent a full five days working with a trainer, and had tests every day. I mean actual written tests. Most of the time it was just me following the trainer around as they waited on tables and them telling me shit in the off time. But there was a set out lesson plan each and every day of the shit they had to cover with me. This all culmanted with a service test where I had to serve the GM or AGM (I only had to serve the AGM). But he asked me a question on nearly every single item on the menu. Also because it was busy it took like three hours to get it done, he kept getting up and wondering off to do something then coming back. Most people would think that is good because it gave me little breaks but I just wanted to get that over with. But I passed, and with very high marks I have been told. So tonight I picked up a shift from someone and worked all alone. We were pretty busy and I had quite a few tables. I also ended up making some good money for being my first night. I of course managed to spend all of it before I even made it home though. I had to stop and get some stuff from the retard zoo. (I wonder if I should capitalize that name since I am using it to refer to just one place?? Yea I think am going to from now on) I needed some non-slip shoes, a wine key (or a wine bottle opener for you non-restraunt people) and some random other shit and of course gas. But I also picked up a day shift for tomorrow and I am working tomorrow night, so I might make some good money tomorrow. I also might have won a pair of tickets to the Magic game on Wednesday night because I am awesome at work. But I have to work Wedneday so they might end up going to waste. So if anyone wants a pair of tickets to the Magic game let me know tomorrow and I will hook you up for cheap!

Ok that is about it folks. I need to get to sleep since I have to get up early and go to work all day long. Adios.


Anonymous said...

Im not a spartan and what the heck is a con....meanwhile i still havent seen pictures, dont you have a photobucket site or something?

Anonymous said...

PICTURE MAN PICTURES>>>>>Or possibly a video on X-Tube??

Mark son of Milton said...

Who are all of you anonymous people?? Man sign your posts or something!

Anonymous said...

So this baby seal walks in to a club...

Mark son of Milton said...

That doesn't narrow it down I tell that joke to everyone!