Friday, June 27, 2008

Witty title....

So someone asked for a picture of Ashley. Well someone a while ago asked for a picture of my Spartan, well I found a picture of both in one. So here it is.

Ha fooled you! Well it's both but I am sure it's not what you are looking for. Too bad suckers.
Nothing is new here, just working and Star Wars Weekends. This is the last weekend for that and I am pretty happy it's over. I think I am going to sell my Tusken Raider costume, I am just not enjoying wearing it. It's just too damn hot. I am going to be ordering a new Stormtrooper cosutme this weekend or next so that excites me in ways that should only be reserved for women. I know I am a nerd but I am willing to bet so are you.
I did go see the new movie Wanted today. It was pretty decent. It is pretty plotless, and very predictable but it has good action and loads of gun fights and well...who doesn't like that. It was worth seeing in the theater for the sounds and action. Oh it was also nice to see Jolie's ass twelve feet tall on the big screen. Let me tell you for having a kid an being a bit older she still has a banging ass. So for the action, and ass I give it a B...Ass A.
I am going to go see Wall *E in the next couple of days. I will report back on it. High hopes here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Surface of the sun hot...

So welcome back gents and ladies, Mark son of Milton here again. I have returned once again. I have to say it's good to see people still are reading this nonsense. And I feel as though most of you have fallen to my level as you are leaving the most random comments I have seen. Well played.

So summer is offically here, which means it is surface of the sun hot down here in the sweaty crotch of the nation. Also that means that it is time for Star Wars Weekends at Disney again! That I was really excited for, espically the first weekend since Bob and some of the other cats from up in Boston area came down. That was awesome. As far as SWW it's self, not so much. It has been pretty dissapointing. It has been insanely hot, and I really made the mistake of wearing my damn Tusken raider every weekend and that didn't help with the heat factor. But it has been nice to see everyone.

Also on the news front I am buying a motorcycle. I haven't decided on one yet as I need to see what I like and I can afford. I am looking at the crotch rocket style of bike as that is more my style then the cruiser style. My dad thinks I should get the cruiser style but I am just not sold on them. But the main reason I am getting one is to save money on gas as bikes get upwards of seventy miles to the gallon!

Someone asked for summer movie reviews, well I have see a few latley but not a lot of them. And no I did not see Sex and the City, sorry you will have to ask someone who is either a girl or gay for their opnions on that one. The last thing I want to see is two hours of uptight bitches in their fourtys trying to act like they are twenty.

I did go see the one of the big summer movies, Indy 4. Let me tell you I couldn't have been more dissapointed in this flick. The worst part about it, I really wanted to like it. I gave it so much effort to like it and I just couldn't. When did Steven Speilberg stop being able to make decent movies? Was it in the 80's or 90's? It just seems that when he can't decide on an ending to a movie he goes back to something that worked for him in the past...aliens. ET and Close Encounters were big movies for him and now it just seems like if he makes a movie and can't decide how to finnish it he puts aliens in it. Wow, wrong move for Indy. Plus someone really needs to sit George Lucas down and tell him he has writing talent what so ever. Sure he has good vision and can come up with pretty decent stories but lets just stop him there. The only redeeming factor of this flick was Harrison Ford, I was really happy to see him in the hat and jacket sporting the whip again. He fell right back into that character and he was great in it. If not for him I would have given this flick a D but just for Indy himself I will give it a C.

I also saw Kung Fu Panda. This one everyone told me was really funny so I had pretty high expectations for it. Well it came through for me big time. I laughed all through the movie. Jack Black does a really good job as the panda. The animation is really good and the story is pretty decent. All in all I really enjoyed this one. A

I saw something else too....what the hell was it...Oh IRON MAN!!!

DAMN! That is all that needs to be said for this movie. GO SEE IT. A+

Now there is one more movie that I am super excited for this year (there are some others I want to see but if i don't I won't be that upset). The one I am excited for is of course The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger as the Joker....'nuff said. Go check out and watch the trailers. I don't care what else is in this movie as long as the Joker is half as cool as he seems in the trailers. I don't want to sound like a dick but if Heath had to die, I am glad he will always be remembered as the Joker since it was his last movie. His performance so far seems amazing.

Well I am in the middle of watching Sweeny Todd (since I never saw it) so I am going to go back to it.

Oh I am going out with Ashley (the hot anime chick) again this weekend so wish me luck on that front.

Out like the fat kid in dodge ball...