Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Paintball and blogging...

Welcome back folks, as some of you are aware I went and played a full weekend of paintball this previous weekend. Once again it was up at Wayne's World of Paintball in Ocala, FL. It was two nights and three days spent up there with paintballing on two of the days and one of the nights (though I didn't play at night). Dave and I went this year, Greg pussied out. We had a hell of a good time, we got to shoot lots of people, I got shot quite a bit. I managed not to get shot by a tank this year like I usually do. With out Greg there it made my ability to do balls out stupid moves like I like to do a bit harder since he ususally does them with me, and supports those moves. Dave...not so much. But Dave is still a decent enough player and fun to be in the game with. Originally we were going to get our hands on a head mounted camera that we were going to be able to take into the game with us for some in game action, but alas stupid OPD kept it to take to S.W.A.T. round-up. Selfish bitches (unless OPD is reading this, then I love you guys and keep up the good work)! But I did take my camera out there with me and did a short video blog from out there. So feel free to check that out.


In case you live in a hole and didn't know today is Tuesday the 9th of December...you know what happens on the 9th?? DARK KNIGHT COMES OUT ON DVD!!! GO OUT AND BUY IT BITCHES!

I was out at Best Buy last night at midnight to get my copy. They had a midnight sale of them and they had cool exclusives. Here is a quick run down of the 9 different versions of the movie you can get:
Single disk widescreen DVD
Single disk fullscreen DVD
Blu-ray special editon
Two disk special edition Widescreen DVD
Wal-mart exclusive edition single disk widescreen DVD with replica Two-Face/Harvey Dent coin
Circuit City exclusive edition two disk widescreen DVD with Bat-logo journal (blank journal)
Target exclusive edition Blu-ray or DVD (I think they did this with the DVD edition also but iI am not sure) Batman Mask case
Best Buy exclusive two disk edition with collectible mini Joker Clown mask or Batman bat masks
Best Buy exclusive Blu-ray edition with collectible mini Bat-pod statue and hard disk case

Also Best Buy has exclusive Joker and Batman mini statues, and while supplies last exclusive Joker cards. (also their employees have cool shirts and "I Believe in Harvey Dent" buttons that you might be able to talk them out of..I did)

Your best bet is of course the Blu-ray with Bat Pod edition but good luck finding it and of course you need a blu-ray player for it to work.

Since I have neither a large HD tv nor a blu-ray player I was stuck with the Joker clown mask DVD version. Regardless the clown mask is pretty cool. I am a bit dissapointed in the special features on this disk, not much in the way of behind the scenes or making of kind of stuff. Also no deleted scenes at all. I was more then a bit dissapointed in the bonus features, but still the movie is worth owning.

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