Monday, August 13, 2007


Wow it has been like a full week since I posted last. Sorry. Well lots of stuff has happened. Were to begin, I guess I can fill in from where I left off last week. I tracked down my paycheck with little to no problem, got that cashed and promptly blew threw it. I got Randy's helmet painted with only minor problems. Basically with that, when I painted the red coat it ran like it stole something. The paint went on very very thin and I was putting it on too thick and it just ran all over the place. So after it dried I took it home and sanded out all the runs, the next night I adjusted the gun's spray pattern and the amount of paint it sprayed and recoated the helmet with out any problems. The next night it was time for the clear coat! Well I mixed up a batch of that stuff and went to town on it (once again playing with the adjustments on the gun to try to avoid the runs). It turned out really great, excpet for the massive run right on the face of the damn thing. Well the clear apparently takes much longer then all the other paints to dry so I left it at Eric's place overnight and went home. I came back the next day and sanded out the runs and re-coated it again. This time I had no problems and the clear coat looked GREAT! Up to this point I didn't really see what all the big deal was with the stupid automotive paints, it just seemed like a ton of extra work for little to no benifit over spray paints. Well the clear coat is where it's at! That makes all the difference in the world. Once it was dry it was glass smooth, and looks like the paint is still wet. I couldn't believe how great it came out. This weekend I took it over to Dave's house so he could install a visor in it, and Randy was coming to pick it up from Dave on Sunday. Well Dave and Garry both thought it looked fantastic and I talked to Randy today and he liked it too. I am so glad it came out well and was worth all that work. Hopefully in the future things will go smoother but even if not it was worth the effort.

Also on a painting note, since Garry was coming up to Orlando I had to finish his two beehive clone helmets for him. I wasn't really excited to do that, but I got them done and was pretty happy with how they came out. Garry picked them up on Saturday at Dave's and he seemed pretty happy with them as well, which was good because I really didn't want to repaint those damn things again. (I had painted one of them once alreday and it didn't come out well) While I was at Dave's Garry dropped off his son's clone trooper armor with me to paint. I have started working on it, but man I really don't want to work on it at all. I don't know why, probally because I hate clone armor now, but I hate this stuff so much I am actually working on it quickly just to get it out of my sight! I don't know if that is a bad thing or not but it seems to be getting the job done. I of course ran out of paint so that has slowed me down quite a bit...

Oh I forgot to mention, I ended up and got the job at Sea World. I am pretty happy about that as well. The pay kind of sucks, and I am sure it will be lots of hours but at least I might enjoy doing it. Plus I get two free cases of beer a month! Not that Budwiser makes any beer that I like but at least I will be the life of the party when I go to friend's houses. I start on this Friday with orientation.

Now you might be wondering about the title of this post: Sequels. Well that is because after I got my paycheck I went and saw a movie. Then on Friday I went and saw another one. Both movies were the third movie in a trilogy. I saw...

The Bourne Ultamatitum: Well I have really enjoyed the Bourne series so far, the second one wasn't quite as good as the first (but then again when are they??) so I had pretty high hopes for this one. Well it is pretty much more of the same that the last two have set you up for. Bourne still can't remember shit, people still want to mess with him, and he wants to beat them up for it. The action in this one is very good, like the last two, but like most new movies they try to out-do themselves. They succed in this aspect, the action in this one actiony? I don't know how to describe it, the fight sequences are great, the car chases were good, and they blew something up. I could do without the shakey hand held camera durning the fight scenes but that seams to be the style latley I guess it makes you feel like you are in the fight too, personally I hate it I would prefer to be able to see what is going on but hey, that's just me. I won't ruin anything for anyone, but lets just say if you liked the last two go see this one. Oh I will mention that you should probally watch the second one right before you go see this one, as this one starts right at the end of the last one (at least I think it did) and it took me a few minutes to figure out what the hell was going on. (I hadn't seen the second one in a while) All in all: A

The other movie I went to see is also the third in a series and it would be:
Rush Hour 3 : This one is being panned by critics every where. Let me just say, did you like the last two Rush Hour movies? No? Then you will hate this one. Yes? Then you will probally like this one too. It's that simple. Nothing is really new in this series. Chris Tucker is still a loud mouth moron, and Jackie Chan is his hard to understand Chinese buddy who kicks ass. Want to see complicated plot and well drawn characters? GO SEE SOMETHING ELSE! Want to see Chris Tucker play the most stereotypical black guy ever? Want to see Jackie Chan do what he does best? Go see this. It was fun, it had a few good jokes, and the action was decent. Again nothing new here, but then again the last two movies did really well for them, why change the formula? All in all: B-

I guess that is all for now, I am going to go watch a pirated copy of Harry Potter that someone gave me (I won't mention names just incase someone is reading this). Actually no, I just remembered I am watching The Italian Job for the twentyith time, then I might watch Harry Potter.

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