Monday, August 6, 2007


Welcome back Romans... today has started on a good note, well actually it started on a crap note ( I didn't sleep well last night for some reason, and then Garry called me while I was sleeping) but it got better. Seaworld finally called me back, and to my supprise with good news. They have decided to move to the next step with me, and no we aren't going to third base. They want me to come in for an interview with the VP of HR. As long as that interview goes well then I get the job. So I am excited. Today also marks round two of the "Randy's helmet fiasco". Hopefully I will be able to get some good work done on it, and all of my equipment won't be destroyed in the process. The guy who had me paint his Jango armor recieved it the other day, and was very happy with it. He even posted on TDH and others think it looks good, which is great.

A bit of weekend news, while talking with Randy and Angie a few weeks ago they mentioned that they would be interested in playing the Star Wars RPG. Since I had bought the core rule book for it years ago and never used it this was exciting for me. I really enjoy playing RPGs with friends as it is usually a good time of laughing and what not. Well I called Dave and asked him if he and the wife would be interested in it and he said yes, and suggested we play on Saturday. So with that new found excitment I called R&A and got them to go to Dave's house and we all played. I had the duty of being the GM (DM for all you D&D nerds out there) and had to come up with a story for them to play. Well I had like three days notice that we were going to go, and I was going to GM, and needed to make a story up. Did I? No. I waited until the night before at about midnight, to start working on it. I worked until two thirty in the AM before I was too tired to keep going, but I got a bit of story worked out. We all went to Dave's around nine in the AM, I say around because both R&A and I were late. Really Dave and Christine were the only ones who were on time and that is because they lived there. But in the end we all had a good time, I managed to kill everyone's characters at least once, some of them twice... and that was good times. R&A left around three or four and I ended up staying until nine at night. We just sat around shooting the shit, and playing video games, which Dave has an uncanny ability to lose to me at (even though I had never played the game, and he owns it).

I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not and I am too lazy to go look back and see, but I managed to fix my paintball gun, with out spending any money at all! I was very excited about that. I just posted on the boards and asked the master techs what they thought my gun's problem was, they suggested something, I tried it, and it worked. I guess that is why they are the master techs and I am not. Of course I still can't afford to go play, and Eric is still to lazy to get his gun fixed but I am happy to know that I could go play if I wanted to.

And while I am talking about paintball, plans are in the works for a hand full of us to go to Ocala to play in the Wayne's World "Grand Finale" on the weekend of my birthday in December. Right now it looks like it will be, Greg, Eric, Dave and I all going. The game is a twenty four hour game with playing spread out over one afternoon, evening, night, and the next morning with breaks inbetween. I went once several years ago and had a blast, and I was basically playing alone (I went with a couple of guys I didn't know and never saw them on the field). As long as at least Greg goes I know it will be a good time.

I am sorry to those of you who were looking forward to a new movie review, I am just way too broke to go to the movies right now.

I do have a new DVD review though (got to love Netflix). It is of the new (2003) Battlestar Galictica TV series. I had heard people talking about this one (much like Firefly) and saying how good it was. So I finally decided to watch it. (a note to anyone who wants to rent it, make sure you rent the mini-series before you rent season one, as the mini-series happens before the season one ep.1, it took me forever to figure that one out) I am really getting into this series, I have never seen a single epsiode of the original series and I don't really care to, but this series is pretty damn good. It's no Firefly but at least this one has a couple of seasons before it gets canceled. For any of you sci-fi fans out there I deffintally recommend picking this one up and giving it a watch. I am only on to the third disk in the series but so far so good. All in all: A-

Well kids that's all for now. I need to call the stupid Sheraton and track down a paycheck for those three days I worked. I might make an update post about how the painting goes later today.

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