Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Zombie Mark returns!

Ok I know, I have been really lazy and havne't updated in like forever. Well here it is kids, a damn update! So lots has happened since I updated last. I started dating a girl from work, Holly, then we broke up, which pretty much sucked. I got trasnfered out of Sharks to Voyagers, and I hated it. I got transfered because they were short staffed and I was low man on the totem pole. I explained that I was unhappy about it and that I wanted to transfer back or I was going to quit but they wouldn't let me go back because I was dating Holly. Voyagers was a quick service place like a cafateria and I hated every minute of it. So I decided I wanted out of there. So I left. I have found a new job at NBA City in City Walk at Universal. I am just a server as of right now but they have asked me to apply for a manager position (only after being there two days!) so I have. I have an interview with the VP of food and beverage for the company on Tuesday.

My workouts have gone extremelly well. I got into good enough shape to wear my Spartan costume to Megacon. I still don't have the six pack abs but I looked good anyway. I am not quiting the diet and workouts as my goal is still to have a six pack for Dragon Con and I think that is very do-able.

I also don't think I have updated here since I moved. I was so tired of my old apartment and the super high rent that I had to look for something new. Well Greg also needed a new place since he broke up with Kelly and he couldn't afford his place on his own so we moved into a place together in Hunter's Creek. It is a a really nice place and it lets both of us afford it with out any problems.

Megacon and FX show have both come and gone since I updated last. FX was ok this year, it was pretty boring but at least I got to see everyone and we hung out which is really what is important about these cons. Mega was a bit better then last year, but I think it has a lot to do with me being in my Spartan Saturday and Sunday and how much fun that was. I managed not to buy anything except food all weekend which I don't think has ever happend before. I made a new costume for FX which was a GI Joe costume, Dusty. It was a simple costume that didn't cost much and is pretty easy to wear. I also did a Battlestar Galactica costume, again cheap and easy and easy to wear. The Battlestar one needs to be upgraded and that will happen before Dragoncon.

Mega this year was in the new convention center and that was a good venue for it, I really like the new side Vs. the old side. Also it made for much better parking and it seemed less crowded then last year. Don't get me wrong there were tons of people there but it felt less congested. Friday I just wore my Battlestar costume, I was planning on meeting up with the cats from the boards but I only met one of them. Then security made me leave the con because my fake gun looked too real, despite the fact it was in my holster, and didn't and couldn't shoot anything I had to take it out. Yet the guys walking around with the huge airsoft rifles (that shoot solid plastic BBs at three hundred plus feet per second) were allowed to carry them. But I did as I was told and without bitching to the guy, I just figured it wasn't worth the effort. Rent-a-cop gets one weekend a year to feel important and I let him have it. The real story of the weekend was Saturday and Sunday. For these were the days I wore the Spartan. This costume was such a huge hit. Everyone seemed to like it, epically the girls (and gay guys). I had lots of women thank me for having the body to wear the costume. I heard a couple of guys say shit about it but I think they were just jealous. I was pretty pissed that one of the 501st guys said shit to me about it, I damn near punched him epically since he is pretty damn fat on his own. But more important, the girls liked it. I don't think I could take five steps without being asked for photos. Saturday I met up with several of the guys from the 300dc boards and had a blast walking around with them. Late in the day all of the guys but me and one other got out of costume. So he and I walked around together. At one point he and I were standing in the lobby of the convention center and this guy kept walking up and taking our pics, he would walk up take 20-30 pics and then walk away. He would come back in two or three minutes and take twenty or thirty more then leave, repeat this for about thirty minutes for about three hundred pics. He was quite creepy. At one point, and I kid you not, he took about 30 pics of my crotch. Now I don't care if he wants to take pics of my 3/4 naked body and go home and masturbate with baby oil with them. But man take 4-5 pics and move on, 350 pics is excessive. He even came over and asked if I could take the cape off, I told him no it was hard to take off and put on. He seemed disappointed.

Well I am getting tired so I am going to catch some sleep. I will update again soon. I promise. Until then, remember prepare for the zombie apocalypse, it's coming. My plan...mall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
