Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hmmm. Titles

Welcome back fans of the all mighty Mark! (a bit over the top?) Sorry I haven't had a chance to write here in a few days. Well I had plenty of chances I just didn't because I was lazy. Sorry. So pretty much nothing has gone on since my last posting. I am still working, every day. I have managed to get some work done on my Fett costume for C4. I am about seventy five percent done with the rocketpack. I need to get some measurements taken and sent into SkyGunBros so he can make my damn jumpsuit otherwise I will be stuck wearing my crappy Starfortress one that I hate. The problem is I don't have anyone to take the measurements for me, and I can't do it my self. I have also been working on scratch building my lightsabers for my A'Sharrd Hett costume, that isn't going well. I ordered a hundred and twenty dollars worth of parts from www.thecustomsabershop.com tonight, hopefully those will get here soon and they will work for what I want them for. If not I have no idea what I am A. going to do for my costume, and B. Do with all these stupid parts. I plan to finnish the rocketpack today if I can get it all done, if not today then it will be done tomorrow. I have very little left to do on it, I do need to stop at the retard zoo and pick up some stuff to finnish it (see previous post about what the retard zoo is). I am pretty glad this isn't my pack, I really don't like it much. It isn't very accurate nor very light and neither of those things make for good packin. I was also a little dissapointed today that I saw that the guy who made my custom pre-pro gauntlets for my Fett coutume sold another set to someone else. Now I am not upset that the other guy got a set (though he did say he wants to have the costume that all others are judged against (GOOD LUCK!)) but rather that the maker told me that he wasn't going to sell sets of them to anyone, just mine and he was going to keep a set for himself. Now of course they are his molds, and he put all the work into them so he can do what he wants with them. But it does kind of suck that he said mine would be the only ones out there and now they aren't.

I am getting excited/nervous about CIV. Garry got our tickets for the fan club breakfast that were very limited and hard to get and I am very excited about that. I am nervous that I won't get everything I need done. I did hear back that I am in the Friday costume contest, and on the wait list for the Sunday contest. Also they finally posted the schedule of the panels. My tusken panel is the first costume panel of the entire con (yikes)! My Fett panel is the first one on Saturday and it is late in the day, so I will be tired, and hopefull happy that we are winning the droid hunt. I am still really worried about money also, but only time will tell on that front.

Oh and since I haven't really had a decent rant in a while I have a doozy tonight.

[pre-rant] So at one point durning the night when I am actually working it is my job to go though all of the charges/refunds for the day (and that is a lot of shit) and make notes about the refunds on a spread sheet. Basically I make a note as to who the refund was made to, how it was made, who made it, how much it is, and why it was given. Sounds simple enough right? Now the staff is supposed to make notes on the reservations anytime they give refunds with an explaination as to why they did the refund. Also the front desk staff is supposed to fill out a form and turn it into me every night when the make refunds (this is on top of the notes on the res).[/pre-rant]

[Rant] So there is this stupid bitch that works the front desk durning the day, her name is Amanda. She seems pretty smart, until it comes time to do simple job related tasks. Last night when I am doing my work I come accross several refunds that she has done, all for the same amount. I make the notes on my paper work and then go to research why they were done. Now does she leave notes on a single one of a half dozen reservations about why she gave back all this money? Of course not. But wait she must have filled out the paper work and turned it in right? NOPE! I did have one form from four days ago that just got turned in. (helpfull now..) Now if this was the first time this has happened I would just be nice about it and ask her in the morning to please make the notes and go about my day. But no this isn't the tenth time she has done this it happens nearly everday she works. Now just so you know it takes all of about twenty seconds to write notes on a reservation, you don't even have to pull up a special window or anything. And now you might be wondering why don't I just go to the manager and say something to them? Well I have, several times, nothing gets done or if they do say something then the staff makes notes for about a week and then stops again. Now she isn't the only one who does this, most of the staff does, but she is the one that I talked to this morning about it. And she just brushes it off like it's nothing. Then when I handed her something for her to do our conversation went like this

Her:"Don't you know how to use dispatch?"
Me: "Nope"
Her: "It' super easy to use."
Me: "Well when you learn to make notes on reservations for your refunds I will learn dispatch"
Her: "Your mean this morning"
Me: "Yea, when people make me do three times the work I should have to do it makes me mean"
I then walked away from her.

She also claimed that she only made two refunds, when I said it was more like six. Well tonight I printed out a list to show her (it was five by the way).

The saddest part of all of this, they just made her a supervisor of the PBX (phones for you non-hotel people) department!! She can't even do her damn job correctally, now she is the supervisor for a whole department? She doesn't even work in that department!

Well that is all for now. I think I might eat pizza today at NYPD. I have been craving it for a few days. Eric mentioned wanting to go there, perhaps I will call him around noon and see if he wants to go. I am sure he won't since he is a vagina.

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