Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What happens when you mix no sleep and bordom...

SLEEP! I am really tired tonight. I wish I didn't have to sit here listening to smooth jazz all damn night since that really isn't helping me stay awake either. Now why you ask am I so tired today? Well it would have to do with the fact that this morning instead of going home and going to sleep I went home, changed clothes, ate something and then went to Dave's house. I was there until after four pm. I went there to work on some props and what not that I need to get done before CIV. I did manage to make a little head way on my saber hilts for my A'Sharad Hett costume. Since I couldn't find anyone to machine them for me like I really wanted, I ended up having to scratch build them. Man I hate scratch building shit. It always looks looks like you scratch built them, but at this point I don't have the time or the money to have them machined so these will have to do for now. I also planned on working a bit more on my three-pee-ooo arm but that didn't happen. Dave did say it looked relly good and I am pretty happy wiht how it has come out. All that is left to do is figure out a way to attach the hand to the arm, and that is more difficult then it relly sounds, I am not real sure how I am going to do it yet but I will figure something out. I also while I was at Dave's finally remembered to pay him for the hotel and plane tickets to California. I have offically started worring about the trip, money, time and everything. I am pretty supprised it took this long. Hopefully everything will go OK but at this point I am really worried I won't have enough money to get everything I need. Stupid StarWarsShop.com processed two of my orders over the weekend, once again with out any notice or anything. I really hate that they do that shit. You place orders months in advance and then when it's time for the shit to ship they don't give you any warning or anything, just ding charge your card. The last time it ended up really screwing me money wise and that pissed me off since I wanted to cancel that order anyway.

So it looks like yesterday I did manage to do both my job and the morons without any problems. My boss looked at the shit I did and didn't say I did any of it wrong so it must have been ok. Which only further proves my point that she is a total fucking retard. I managed to do both her job and mine and had plenty of time to screw around. She started tonight at eleven and i am willing to bet she won't be done come seven, and all three of us are here tonight!

Well it's Mountail Dew time since I am starting to get a headache. I will be back later to post more.

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