Thursday, May 3, 2007

So what happens when you are short on money and trying to save...

Well if your me, you lose one of your jobs! So there was no update yesterday because we have new people here at work and one of them was sitting looking over my shoulder all night. Since I couldn't really talk about him while he was sitting over me I decided to skip the update for the night. But tonight he went home at three. We have two new people here now, an overnight front desk monkey (the guy) and a new night auditer (a girl). The moron is training the girl, and I am training the guy, somehow I have a feeling that the girl is going to be more confused then before she started. But yesterday was more or less uneventful. Today on the other hand has been just full of supprises. I intended to go down to West Palm this morning after I got home. But my mom told me to stay up here for a few hours since Dad couldn't leave work until lunch time to meet me at Hugo's to drop off my truck for repairs. So I wanted to try to get a little bit of sleep, so I layed down, silenced my cell phone and set my alarm for nine thrity am (thinking I would leave around ten and be in West Palm by noon and a half). Well nine thrity rolls around and I am still tired, so I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. Well I wake up around one or so and relize it is way too late to drive down there, so I go back to sleep. I wake up around five or so, and I call and tell Julie that I won't be able to see her (I had made plans with her to have her come over for dinner again). I then listen to the fifteen damn voice mails I have since eight am. All but two are from either Mom or Dad. One of the others isn't important and the last one is from Michelle (my boss at the golf course/bar). So I call her back and find out whats up. Well I guess that there was some random meeting Tuesday night at the bar that everyone had to go to ( I knew about it I just forgot). Well becuase I didn't go, when I called Michelle, she says for me to not bother coming to work anymore. I was like over one stupid meeting?? I guess Tim and Patrice (the owners) said that I missed the last meeting as well (and this one I really have no idea what the hell they are talking about) and this meeting so that was it. I personally think it is bullshit. But I actually don't really care, I mean I could have used the money but all in all I am not really that upset about it, I was planning on leaving right after CIV anyway. It just sucks that they did this. But since I found this out this evening and I new I wasn't going to have money that I was counting on I called Reunion and asked if I could come in tonight, and so here I am at work. I also offered to work on Saturday (which makes seven days for me this week) and I offered to work seven days next week too! So I will have thrity two hours of overtime on my pay check that I get right before CIV so I should be ok with money... at least I hope so. I hope my car lasts with out any problems until I can get it down to West Palm after CIV. Well I don't really have much else to say tonight, I need to get some work done so I am off. I will be back tomorrow (and every day from now until Wednesday two weeks from now!).

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