Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So today is the day cats and kittens. 300 comes out on DVD today. Best Buy seems to have the coolest offer, with a mini-spartan helmet and some cool mini-artwork in a box set for thrity five bucks. Circuit City had just some art work (I think it is the same as what came in the box set) and the retard zoo has it boxed with the history channel DVD about the real spartans. I can't stress enough how much every single one of you needs to go out and buy this movie. It is the best damn movie I have seen in ten years, at least. The visiuals are amazing, the action is nearly non-stop and the story is good. And for the women and gay men it has some of the best looking men in the best shape I have ever seen (no I have not started batting for the other team, I am just confortable enough that I can say those are good looking men). In case you are unfamilar with the story it is about the Persian army trying to invade Sparta. When the king of Persia brings his army of nearly a million men the Spartans send three hundred (because the Persian king bought the Spartan congress to not send the entire army) to a place called the hot gates (a large stone passageway into Sparta). There the mighty three hundred hold off the Persian army for so long and kill so many of them that the Persians actually loose the desire to fight. Of course no matter how good a fighter you are three hundred against a million aren't good odds and the three hundred all die. But that rallies the rest of the Spartan army to march against the Persians and send them packing (that last part isn't in the movie). Again I have to say it, BUY THIS MOVIE!!! It looks like the two disk set is loaded with bonus features but they are selling a single disk version for those of you who aren't big into the making of kind of stuff. Yes I alreday have a copy of it, I was at Best Buy right at ten when they opened to get the cool boxed set with the mini-helmet (I missed the V for Vendetta boxed set with the mini V mask and wasn't going to let that happen again).

Oh I did finally go see Chuck and Larry on Sunday. It wasn't nearly as bad as the critics are saying it is. It wasn't great by any stretch but it had quite a few funny moments. And Jessica Beil looks great in nearly the entire movie. Lets just say I would do bad naughty things to that girl for sure.... but I digress. This movie had plenty of stupid stuff in it, and Sandler isn't on his top game for sure, but all it was worth the five bucks I paid to see it (AMC has cheap movies before noon on Friday, Sat, and Sunday). If you can't see it that cheap, wait until it comes to DVD and rent it, Netflix it, or download it. All in all; B-/C+

So the job hunting isn't going well again. Rent is due tomorrow, and I am more then a little short (nearly all of it). I am running out of shit to sell, and am about to start selling things I don't really want to get rid of. I think my Beehive clone bucket might be next on the list, I think I might paint it up and put it on Ebay. I also have an extra Fett bucket that I got as payment for painting some Fett armor (back when I was still making plenty of money and didn't really need the extra it seemed like a good deal) that I could paint up and sell. I really don't want to do either of those since I had plans for both of those helmets, but at this point it is looking grim.

On a completly unrelated note I managed to get my paintball gun fixed, on my own! I don't know if I had mentioned it here or not but a while ago I took my paintball gun out to play and something happened and it made a loud pop noise and started rushing gas out the front end of it. Since this is the first Angel paintball gun I have ever owned I wasn't too familar with it and had no idea what the problem could be. Right after it happened I posted on PBnation.com about it and got pretty much non-sense answers. I had since opened a ticket with the Angel master techs at fixmyangel.com and was going to send it it. I just was looking over their site when I noticed they had a forum that was a Q&A section with a master tech, basically you post what your problem is and they post what might be causing it. Well I did that just so I could get an estimate of what it was going to cost to fix. Well the MT posted back as to what it might be. He thought it might just be that my valve might not be seated correctally. So I downloaded a new manual for my gun, figured out what part he was talking about, and checked. Sure enough it wasn't. I also figured out why my breach was hard to open and close, and fixed that. So now my gun works fine and it cost me NOTHING! All praise to those wonderfull Master Techs at fixmyangel.com So now as soon as I get working and get money again (though I do have a free entry to the Wednesday night tournys and enough paint I could play) and Eric gets his ass in gear and gets his gun fixed (his really does need to be sent in) we can go out and play! I am very excited.

Well I am off, I need to spend some time looking at job postings, then it is time to watch 300!

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