Monday, August 27, 2007


Hello again faithfull readers! Sorry for my lack of updates, I have been really busy with work. But as if that statement didn't give it away I have finally started work. Last Tuesday was my frist day, and I worked all week until Sunday when I had a day off, I also worked today. So far I am really enjoying working at Sharks. The hours are much longer then I expected (read that as twelve hour days instead of eight) but so far I am ok with that. We are pretty busy most of the day so the time goes by quickly, plus since I am a manager there is always something for me to do. There are a few little things that I don't like (mostly people) but they are few and not that big of a deal. Also there are a couple of girls there that are pretty cute, except of course that I can't date any of them since I am a manager...oh well. So as I said before so far so good.

My A/C finally got fixed last week, Wednesday I think. (big thanks to Eric for coming over and staying while the A/C guy was here so I could get to work on time) It is so nice to be able to sleep confortably at home again. Also the landlord said he would help with the hotel bill which is great since I really didn't have that money to spend on that.

In case anyone doesn't know Dragon Con is in only three days! I am finally starting to get excited. I am a bit nurvous about money but that is pretty normal for me right before a con. Since I don't really plan on buying anything it shouldn't really cost me that much. I am aware that I don't have to plan on buying things to end up buying shit, but at least I am not planning on buying a new two hundred dollar kilt like the last three years.

I know it is a bit late but I did go see a new movie last week.

Superbad: Let me just say, it was really funny. I think it will really speak to any one who wasn't one of the "cool kids" in high school in the last two decades or so. The two main stars of the flick gave great performances along with a decent supporting cast. The only guys who were a bit of a let down, and it is a small one, were the guys who play the cops. They wern't as funny as I expected them to be. But all in all it was very funny. A-

Well kidos that is all for now. I will try to update again before I leave for Dragon Con but if not...Oh well! But at least you can expect a decent sized one when I get back since I am sure I will have lots of good stories from the con.

Oh one last thing, I finally got around to finishing my all metal Boba Fett Pre-pro2 flamethrower to replace my resin one that broke on me. It will be with me at Dragon Con so check it out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i wanna hear about convention. I kinda miss your very detailed explainations of everything starwars :)