Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can you hear me now? No, no you can't...

Ok, so it seems as though I have gotten sick some how. I have a sore throat and I can't talk. Like I have no voice I can only wisper. I have been coughing a lot and I am a bit congested. I also have no energy. I have spent all of today in bed. I got up only long enough to get food, drinks, and I took a shower. I have been feeling kind of shitty the last couple of days but it got pretty bad yesterday and stayed bad all day today. I hope I feel better tomorrow as I have to go to work at noon, if I am not feeling better I won't be able to go and I really need the money.

So on to other things, Greg took the entire week off and went down to West Palm. That means I have the entire apartment to my self all day and night. So today I walked around for a few minutes naked just because I could. Also the living room is a disaster since he isn't here to see it. He won't be back until Sunday so I have plenty of time to clean it up but right now it is covered in stormtrooper armor parts.

Speaking of that, my new stormtrooper armor came in last week or so. It's really nice and I like it a lot. I got a great deal on it and it came mostly trimmed and had all the straps done on it. I had to go back and re-do most of the straps and clean up some of the trimming but it saved me hours of trimming time.

Also in new news, I went and saw the new movie Step Brothers. It was really funny. It's really crude and stupid humor but it was great. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard or that often in a movie. If you want to laugh hard and often too then go see it. But if you are content with your life with no laughs wait till dvd.

And last on the woman front, I went to see Dark Knight again, but this time with Holly. I enjoyed being with her, but we aren't dating. As it stands right now we are just friends, but I think that it is possible that could change.

Oh I know often I will recommend a product I like but I feel it is also my duty to warn people of a product I hate. I tried out Rustoleum Painter's Touch clear coat. Let me tell you, I couldn't be less happy with that paint if I wanted to be unless it actually dissolved the thing it was painted on. It wen't on really thin and runny (which of couse means it put runs all over it), it dried anything but smooth, and it made my project less shiny then it started. As if all that wasn't bad enough when I went to sand it off I noticed it doesn't sand at all. It just peels off, so much so that I could actually peel it off like a sunburn. It peels off like it's a thin clear sheet of plastic or something. So because of it I ended up having to sand the entire helmet down to the base and start all over. I will never ever EVER buy anything that is under the Painter's Touch name. I can't say I won't buy Rustoleum's products because I really like their Proffisonal grade products but they didn't seem to make a clear coat in that line.

Oh well I am off to watch some more TV until I sleep.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Let's put a smile on that face...

So last night I went and saw The Dark Knight. Now as I am sure some of you are aware I was really really excited for this flick. So much so that I was trying to figure out how to justify spending four thousand five hundered dollars on a Joker costume. Needless to say that didn't happen. But regardless of my costume choices the movie was AMAZING! Everything I wanted and more. The Joker was incredible! Heath did such a good job I think he will always be remembered as the dark clown. The Joker in this one is so dark and creepy it's scary. Forget days past of funny, and stupid Jokers, this one is crazy and evil. He doesn't want anything like money or power, he just thinks it's fun to hurt people. His jokes aren't funny, well unless your like me and think they are so bad they are funny. In one scene he does the best magic trick I have ever seen, I won't tell you what it is because I don't want to ruin it for you. I will ruin some stuff for you. Rachel dies, thankfully. Harvey Dent becomes Two-face, and then dies. Joker lives!! But of course he won't be in another movie since Heath died.

For those of you who are debating seeing it STOP...GO SEE IT NOW!!! If you have the option, see it in IMAX as I am sure it will be awesome. I am going to try to see it in IMAX this weekend.

Also I think I am going to do a Nurse Joker costume from the movie as it won't cost me but maybe a hundred bucks.

All in all A+++

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Damn bugs...

So my dog has managed to bring in fleas from outside. And of course they are on the cat, and me, and Greg and all over the house. Well if that has never happend to you, well I hate you. But it sucks. I have tried and tried to get rid of the damn things to no avail. So last week I went to the office and asked them to do something about it, both in our house and the grass outside. The moron that was working there said she was going to have the pest control people come the next day (last Wednesday). Well mid-day Wednesday I went to the office wondering where the pest control people were since they wern't here yet. Now a different woman was there and she of course had no idea what I was talking about. She told me she would call the pest people and try to get them out there the next day. Later I get a call from her telling her that the pest control people only come on Tuesdays. WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T THEY HAVE JUST TOLD ME THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? God I hate stupid people.

So today got to be the fun fun day where I got to give the cat and dog a bath and then take them out of the house for two hours. Let me tell you, the cat really did not enjoy any part of that. The bath part was only mildly painful for me, but getting the cat into the box to carry her to the car was a different story. It looks like I am trying to kill my self but not only am I failing at that but I am incompentant as to how to do it. My arms and hands are all cut up from that stupid cat.

Well I finally got that all done and the house aired out but as soon as I came back in and sat down fleas jumped on me. I don't know what to do about this.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fight night...

So tonight is UFC fight night. I was going to go out to Wild Wings but relized that it was probally going to cost me about the same amount to go there and sit alone as it would to get it on pay per view and get a sixer of beer and watch it at home. Plus here at home I don't have to yell at anyone to get the hell out of my way so I can actually watch the fight. Oh, and here I don't have to wear pants.

My shoulder seems to have stopped hurting. I got back in the gym today and it was more or less fine. I tried doing Arnold presses and it hurt so I stopped and changed to abs. (if you don't know what Arnold presses are look it up)

I bought my ticket to Dark Knight last night. Midnight plus one on Thursday night. I can't wait to see this flick. I watched a bunch of clips someone on the RPF posted and I got even more excited.

Speaking of last night it was the fouth, and in the past years Universal has done amazing fireworks displays. This year, when I was there working, NOTHING! What the fuck?!?! I was actually looking forward to it and they didn't do shit. I guess they did a small show in the park it's self but what the hell is that shit. I was pissed, well clealy I am still pissed about it.

So that's about it cats and kittens. I am going to go jump in the shower and then run to the store.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Owe damn it...

Here again kids...welcome back.

So I am doing something wrong in the gym. I keep hurting my shoulder. It happens like once a month or so. I can't figure out what it is I am doing wrong but it sucks something fierce. Yesterday I couldn't even lift my arm over my shoulder it hurt so bad. Today it hurts a lot less but I had to take the day off from the gym. I am going to try to hit it tomorrow and see how it feels. Hopefully it's healed.

So I went and saw Wall*E. It was pretty good. It wasn't the best Pixar movie ever but it was pretty good. Most adults are going to be annoyed with the fact that there is almost no talking in the movie since the main character is a robot that only makes little emotion noises. The humans in the movie are all super fat and morons. It has some cute moments, funny stuff and some emotional parts. All in all B+

I don't really have much else to say.. Oh I forgot I won $100 in the lottery which was nice. When was the last time you can say you won the lottery? NEVER BITCHES!