Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fight night...

So tonight is UFC fight night. I was going to go out to Wild Wings but relized that it was probally going to cost me about the same amount to go there and sit alone as it would to get it on pay per view and get a sixer of beer and watch it at home. Plus here at home I don't have to yell at anyone to get the hell out of my way so I can actually watch the fight. Oh, and here I don't have to wear pants.

My shoulder seems to have stopped hurting. I got back in the gym today and it was more or less fine. I tried doing Arnold presses and it hurt so I stopped and changed to abs. (if you don't know what Arnold presses are look it up)

I bought my ticket to Dark Knight last night. Midnight plus one on Thursday night. I can't wait to see this flick. I watched a bunch of clips someone on the RPF posted and I got even more excited.

Speaking of last night it was the fouth, and in the past years Universal has done amazing fireworks displays. This year, when I was there working, NOTHING! What the fuck?!?! I was actually looking forward to it and they didn't do shit. I guess they did a small show in the park it's self but what the hell is that shit. I was pissed, well clealy I am still pissed about it.

So that's about it cats and kittens. I am going to go jump in the shower and then run to the store.


Anonymous said...

I thought i was the only one that liked to watch fight night and masterbate at the same time....we should start a club.

Mark son of Milton said... you still are the only one.