Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Damn bugs...

So my dog has managed to bring in fleas from outside. And of course they are on the cat, and me, and Greg and all over the house. Well if that has never happend to you, well I hate you. But it sucks. I have tried and tried to get rid of the damn things to no avail. So last week I went to the office and asked them to do something about it, both in our house and the grass outside. The moron that was working there said she was going to have the pest control people come the next day (last Wednesday). Well mid-day Wednesday I went to the office wondering where the pest control people were since they wern't here yet. Now a different woman was there and she of course had no idea what I was talking about. She told me she would call the pest people and try to get them out there the next day. Later I get a call from her telling her that the pest control people only come on Tuesdays. WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T THEY HAVE JUST TOLD ME THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? God I hate stupid people.

So today got to be the fun fun day where I got to give the cat and dog a bath and then take them out of the house for two hours. Let me tell you, the cat really did not enjoy any part of that. The bath part was only mildly painful for me, but getting the cat into the box to carry her to the car was a different story. It looks like I am trying to kill my self but not only am I failing at that but I am incompentant as to how to do it. My arms and hands are all cut up from that stupid cat.

Well I finally got that all done and the house aired out but as soon as I came back in and sat down fleas jumped on me. I don't know what to do about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dynamite will do the trick...lots of tiny sticks of dynamite.....or rather dynaflea.