Monday, April 30, 2007

Ahhh alone...

So today went just bad. First I go to work at the bar and both Taylor and Tacy are there, Taylor is milking the clock so she can hang out with my favorite moron until they go play golf. I used to kind of like Taylor but the more she hangs out with Tiny T the less I like her as she becomes more like that bitch. Next those to leave (high light of my day) and I am alone at the bar. I am really slow most of the day, of course there wasn't shit on TV so I watch WWE Raw on Telemundo (the spanish channel). Needles to say I still managed to follow what was going on despite not understanding a word they said. So once WWE Raw was over and some thing better is coming on what happens? Someone walks in and wants service. These four guys come in and sit at a table and have drinks, and they just keep having them, and they are talking loud enough that I can't hear the TV. So I am stuck standing behind the bar (instead of sitting in the dining room like I was before they came in) watching TV that I can't hear. The bad part the ass bags stay for like two hours, and only have an average of three beers per person. Their whole damn tab was under twenty five bucks. So of course when they finally leave (thank god) they leave me a lousy six dollars. But they did manage to leave at the exact right time (seven pm) right as CSI was coming on. Of course it is an epsiode I have seen before (I have seen all of them but this season) but it wasn't one I really like. Now the durning this time Tacy, Taylor, and Brett (the chef) come strolling back in and want another round of drinks, I get them and remind them that I close in fourty five minutes and that they need to be back before then to close their tab so I can leave. Not much else goes on until about three minutes to eight as I am locking up the door and doing the last couple of things I need to do before I can leave, guess who it is....Tacy, telling me that I can't leave because those idiots left their purses in the bar and they still want to come back and have shots. Well normally if they didn't have an open tab I would have locked the doors and left and told them to fuck off. But.... I had to wait. They get in at like ten after, and want me to make them shots, I say I will pour anything that doesn't require me to work so both the guys order straight liquior shots, great no problem, the moron girls want shit like sex on the beach, or kamikazis and I explained my position to them again. I was like if you want some thing else come back here and make it your self, I am not doing it since I am closed and I want to go the hell home. So Taylor does, since as I stated before Tacy the moron can't make a drink to save her life. I charge them out and leave, I am not sitting around to wash their damn dishes for nothing (since I know they won't leave me any money). So I meet up with Eric on my way home and give him his new paintball gun, it's a pretty pink Ion (HA HA HA). Actually I don't think it relly looks that bad and it's a really nice little gun, espically considering that Eric got it for about nothing. I go home change clothes and heat up some C.R. Chicks and eat. I go to work and when I get here I find out that my other favorite moron called in today! GOD DAMN IT!!! I then come to the realization that I don't actually know how to do her portion of the night audit. That presents a bit of a problem. I look at the paper work, I fill in some of the reports as best as I know how (god knows if it is right or not). Tomorrow Jeff will be in and I will be able to ask him what I did and didn't do right. But the funny thing is I am done with the shit she has to do (save a few things) at two am. If (and that is a big IF) I did them right that would mean I did them in like three to four hours and it takes her eight. Needless to say I have a feeling my boss is going to call in the morning saying I did something wrong. And you know what? I don't care.

Oh so my car's check engine light came back on. Now I am going to have to drive back to West Palm on Wednesday. I asked my Dad to call and talk to the guy we got the car from and Dad had to just be a cunt about it. He really was, he has been pretty nice to me latley but I don't know what the hell his problem was, perhaps I just caught him on a PMS day or something.

Yesterday was a much better day, I worked in the afternoon at the bar and that was so so (it would have been better but Michelle stayed late to "Help" and ended up taking half my tips when I could have handled all of the business alone). After work I met up with Eric to pick up my Fett helmet and his. Originally I was going to just pick them up and go but I couldn't find anyone to hang out with so I sat and chilled with Eric and some of his friends for a bit and then Eric, some floozy he might be banging, and I went and say Hot Fuzz (the movie) and it was glorious! I laughed through most of it, it was rather well done. It was done by the cats that did Shawn of the Dead (which I also loved) and it was a similar style but a totaly different movie. I was very happy that I got to see it (since it wasn't playing near me and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to or not).

I am still waiting on Chad from the IT desk to call me back and tell me I can do the audit and I am bored. I am going to go write a PM to a guy about the Boba Maker helmet and my opnions of it (I like it). So I am off.

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