Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dragon Con

Ok as promised here is my update on the con. It was great. This was the first year I went with out you know who tagging along. I wasn't sure how that was going to be but I will go more into that later.

The Drive: So the day I am planning on leaving Eric called me and asked if I minded if Cherie rode up with us. I told him that was cool and be at my house at like one or two am that night. They showed, and boy did they bring a TON OF SHIT! I couldn't believe how much crap those two brought with them, I will say most of it was her's. But man did we have my SUV packed full. We got on the road a bit before three am and we were off. The drive was pretty un-eventfull which was a good thing. Cherie slept most of the way, only waking to drop a random comment into our conversations and be right back asleep, while Eric managed to stay awake all the way there. I wasn't sure how an eight hour car trip with Eric was going to be, but save for his truly epic gas, it was a good time. We got to the hotel around ten I think, got checked in and after a very short tour for Eric (it was his first time there) and some doughnuts for all of us we took a nap until the rest of the gang showed up. Later in the afternoon everyone else showed up and we got them checked in and moved all of their shit into the room. Randy and Angie some how managed to get a damn suite for free, while Dave and Christine got a tiny room and a ton of headaches (the funny part is both groups got those things from the same original problem, not haveing a fridge). Needless to say all of us hated Randy and Angie most of the weekend for their incredible luck and the monster suit they got. Dave felt it nessicarry to kick our damn fridge every time he came in our room, but since it wasn't ours and he wasn't really hurting anything we didn't really care. We went and got our badges around four. (where I saw this really hot red-headed dominatrix chick!!!) We all went out to dinner at Hard Rock that night to kick off the good times and so it began.

The Night: Once again the Hyatt was the place to be the first night of the con, we all lounged around the lobby hanging out, but of course before going there we made a pit stop at the rooms to start drinking. I had a great night that night, several of my friends from out of town met up with me there, Bob from New England, Goro from Japan, and Scott from Oaklahoma to name a few and it was nice to see all of those guys again espically Bob and Scott since I hadn't seen them since last year at Dragon Con! One of Bob's friends was walking around with a backpack full of beers, and that was fantastic, because that ment free beer all night long! After about one am most of my friends from Florida went back to the room to crash, but Bob, Scott and several others had no intentions of calling it that early of a night. So we went up to Bob's room got a bunch more beers and went back downstairs. **Funny little side story here, Goro had these werid little candies from Japan with him, and they looked like cat shit, and to me they kind of tasted like cat shit so I am not convinced they wern't, but regardless they looked funny so we got into an elevator and left a small pile of them on the floor just to see people freak out at them. It worked swimingly.** So back to the main story here. We go find a spot to lean in the lobby so the "Hyatt's lobby nazis" don't make us move and we just watch the people pass by and drink and tell stories and jokes. There was a cute girl dressed as River from Serenity with a Jayne's hat on and Scott (in his drunken mess) hears me say she is cute and I should hit on her, so he goes over and brings her to me. We talk for a while, I find out her name is Dare (or at least that is what she said it was) and she is from Miami. I hit on her for a while but her damn friend keeps dragging her away to show her shit, she comes back and a few minutes later her friend dragges her off again, eventually she never comes back and I don't see her again for the rest of the weekend. *tear* But after we have a few more beers and we are all plenty drunk I introduce Bob to what I was at the time calling "The Game" or what we are now calling "Trainwreck" (thanks to Dave for the name!) Basically this is the worst, most mean spirited game ever, and we are all probally going to hell for playing it but oh well. See this used to just be something I did when I would see hot girls in tiny clothes and point them out to my friends. Well then I started seeing the bad things, fat people in tiny clothes, and since I had to see them I figured so did my friends. So I would point them out too. Well what started out as just a bit of harmless fun for me turned into "The Game". Basically you do what I just said, you point out the fat and ugly people wearing way too little clothing to your friends to make them look at it. The goal is just for them to see it and curse you. Basically no one really wins this game, there are just different degrees of losing. Now the trick to the game is that you also have to point out the hot girls in tiny clothing so that your friends never know which you are pointing out and always look. This game is best played drunk. So after playing this for hours on end I finally get tired around three or four in the am and go back to the room for some sleep.

I will give another update on offical DAY ONE of the con tomorrow. I need to get some sleep so I can go get my ass kicked by my trainer again tomorrow.

***Note about "Trainwreck" this game while mean spirited really is not ment to offend your average heavy set person. But more this is ment to offend the heavy set person who thinks it's OK to cram themselvs into a tiny little corest and go out in public with their fat oozing out of the top and bottom of the thing. Or the heavy set person who thinks it's ok to wear only duct tape on their nipples and go out in public. As much as I love boobs, I really don't want to see yours if you are three hundred pounds and your boobs are oozing out of the top of a corset and they look like a half filled waterbed being carried by two guys under it. That is all***

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