Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prepare for glory!

So it is like week three of my work outs and I am actually starting to be able to see changes in my self. I notice that I am getting less tired at the gym while working out, I am able to do more while I am there. I am also noticing that I have more energy durning the day, and I require less sleep at night. The biggest thing is that other people are starting to notice that I am slimming down a bit. I am really starting to feel good and that well...feels good.

On another note I went to Hall-o-Scream at Bush Gardens with a couple of people from work last night. We had a great time. I was a bit dissapointed with Hall-o-scream in general but even still I had a good time. Most of the haunted houses were OK at best. One was down right terrible and two were pretty decent. I will say that the scare zones on the streets sucked something fierce. The entire street teams just seemed to be half-assing their "performances" and really not trying.

I am going to try to go to Horror Nights at Universal this Thursday but I don't know if I am going to be able to afford it or not. I really want to go as the longer I wait the more and more busy it gets. I am a bit worried though a couple of my co-workers went this weekend and said it was down right aweful. And all of them had the same opnion so I have to think it was really not that good. That will suck if that is the case as usually Horror nights is good.

Well I am off I am going to go watch some TV before hitting the sack. I want to try to get up early and go to the gym tomorrow even though it is usually one of my days off from the gym. I think I am going to swim some laps as that is really good cardio.

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