Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Still alive...

Wow, so I am still alive. Sorry it has been forever since I posted last but I have been busy with work and working out and what not. I know I promised a Dragon Con update and I have yet to, I am sorry. I plan to get to it tonight.

So my workouts have been going really well. More or less... The first two days I went my trainer managed to work me out until I puked, and that was fun. But since I have stopped eating breakfast prior to going to work out and that seems to have stopped the vomiting. My whole body is sore and I can barley walk most days but I am sure that will all stop and get better at some point. But I am sticking to my diet really well (I have cut out soda, cheese and rice) and so far it hasn't been too hard. Cutting soda out pretty much sucked and I have had a caffiene withdrawl headache for about a week which is oh so pleasent but other then that all is well.

I have managed to get most of my painting projects done with a few exceptions. As soon as I get this stuff shipped out I have to focus on Garry's clone armor for his son.

Also new news, I started hanging out with a girl from work..lets call her "Bara" (name changed to protect the guilty). Well at first we both thought we might want to be more then friends, but then we hung out and both decided that we would rather be friends (plus it's a bad idea to date co-workers). But here is the fun part, she thinks I am a serial killer. And I am pretty sure that at least part of her isn't kidding. Now I am pretty sure she is crazy as a loon but she is still pretty fun to hang out with so I will over look these two things.

Other then that not too much is going on here in my neck of the woods.


Anonymous said...

Bara? God your creative!!!! and it's supposed to be "to protect the innocent" because I'm sure I'm your next innocent victim of a "good guy's" hateful rage, unleashed upon a slightly flawed although generally good natured person. To anyone watching, Mark has my body in his freezer!!!! Help!!!

Mark son of Milton said...

Hey look everyone the crazy chick from my work has found my blog and is now posting comments on it.

Everyone say hello to Bara. Hi Crazy chick!