Monday, September 24, 2007

Not quite as sore as before...

Welcome back, I know I know, I promised a Dragon Con update the next day and I didn't do it. But this time it wasn't my fault. Stupid Brighthouse keeps turning off my internet for stupid reasons. Now they are saying my computer has a virus or I am sending out spam e-mail. While I am not going to argue with them on either case (but I am not aware of either) I still am annoyed as hell that they keep doing it with no warning.

I really don't have much to talk about on here. Work is still going well, and I still actually like going to this job (though I really could use more money but...). My workouts are going great also and I am actually going as often as I originally said I was going to go. I am going to the gym five days a week. I am really decicated to this plan and I am alreday starting to see results. While I have not lost a single pound I have gaind a bit of deffination in my arms, I feel stronger, and I have lots more energy. I am really looking forward to the end results and I am going to achive my goals.

Well since most if not all of my readers were at Dragon Con with me I really don't feel like putting the rest of the story up here. I am just too lazy to fuck with it. Here is the short story, Friday I didn't drink but still had a good time at night, Saturday we won the 501st Droid Hunt for the fourth time in a row. Sat night I drank a ton, got wasted, puked in Randy and Angie's tub, talked to some girls chest, tried to go to a party but no one would let me. Sunday was pretty much boring. Sunday night we went to see Rocky Horror picture show, it was late, so we saw like an hour and a half of the Cruxshadows concert, everyone hated it but me. Finally Rocky started, it was good, it ended at like four in the am. Monday I drove home, it was pretty uneventful. This was the first year since I started going to D*C that I didn't go to the TDH dinner. It wasn't because I didn't want to go, I did, but it was just because the dinner was too expensive for what you got and I couldn't justify the cost. From what I have seen I am sorry I didn't go as it does look like it was a good time.

I did mention that I was say why the con was different with out you know who. In the past durning the day I would walk around with her and we would go look at shit. This year there was time that I couldn't find anyone or they wanted to do other stuff and I went off on my own. It kind of sucked, I missed being there with her. The night time was a different story and I didn't miss her but the day time sucked.

Well I am going to go now, I need to look for a new apartment/condo. I am tired of living in this one and I would really like to pay less per month since I am not making as much money as I used to. So I am off.

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