Monday, September 29, 2008

2nd time is the best...

So Friday I went back to Halloween Horror nights at Universal with Tally and two of her friends. Friday was the first day that Horror nights was open to the public. I was supprised how many people were there as I was walking it, but it turned out to actually be less people then were there for the employee preview. This time around I did not drink at all so I was totally sober for the event. Because of the fewer people at the park the lines for all the haunted houses were considerably shorter and we actually got to see nearly all of the haunted houses. I was quite happy with that. The only one we didn't see that I wanted to was the "Reflections of Fear" house but it was also the only house that had a long line. All of the other house's lines were around five to thirty minutes but that house was seventy five to ninty minutes and, well there just isn't anything in a haunted house that I feel is worth waiting an hour and half for. Most of the houses were really good. I really liked the "Body Collectors" and "Scary Tales" houses the best. The "Creatures" house was really crappy. I had a really good time and enjoyed hanging out with Tally and her friends. That is all for now. Back to bordem and tv.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Only a mild hangover...

So last night was the employee preview for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. Since I am sort of an employee there I got to go for free. Greg and I went, we went in early because everyone had said last week that we were all going to meet at work have some food and drinks and then head to the park as a big group. Well we got there around five fifteen or so and no one else is there, and hadn't been there. We decided to sit down and have some drinks and food anyway. We had a bunch of margeritas since they were two for one and I had some wings. As we were sitting there we saw some of my co-workers come in and we ended up meeting a big group of people to go to the park with. It was really busy but I expected that (though it was admittly busier then I expected). I was pretty happy with the group of people we ended up with, it was Rose, my friend Matt from Sharks, his girl friend, his roommate Marie, Greg, Trevor, Karrie, Vannessa and her boyfriend and me. The lines were really long for the haunted houses so we only ended up seeing three of them and we saw the Bill and Ted show. I was a bit drunker then I would have liked so some of the houses are kind of a blur of darkness and flashing lights. I did stop drinking about mid way through the evening so I could sober up and drive home since Greg was planning on drinking all night long. At one point Matt's girlfriend got really pissed about something and actually ended up leaving, which put Matt in a shitty mood so he ended up leaving shortly after. I pretty much spent the night walking around with Karrie and Marie and hideing them from the people trying to scare them as they were both really scared. I kind of have a thing for Karrie and have for a while so that was kind of nice, but also Marie was pretty cute and I liked her too so it was odd trying to work my magic on both of them at the same time. I think I am going to talk to Matt and see if he can hook things up with Marie since I think it would be a bad idea to date Karrie since I work with her and she has been there a lot longer then I have so if things went bad she could make life really unpleasent for me at work. All in all I had a really good time last night, I would have liked to see more of the houses and less of the bar lines but that is the price you pay for going with a big group of people who like to get drunk. I plan on going back at least one or two more times so I can see everything. Greg and I might even go again Friday depending on if he can get a ticket for it.

So as the title suggests I woke up this morning with only a very mild hangover. I woke up really early (three am I think) got some gatoraid and went back to sleep. I feel fine now at like eleven and I have been up for about an hour. Goodtimes...

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok so my TV was on Toon Disney today for some reason and I was reading something online so I didn't bother changing it right away. I happened to catch a commercial for a new toy that scares me. It is a small robotic cheetah or lion or something along those lines. It responds to voice, touch and environment. It changes mood based on what is going on and what you do to it. It makes noises and it's mouth opens and closes. I wasn't paying enough attention to notice if it moves or not. But am I the only who thinks this is scary as hell?? This just seams like one more step towards the eventual robot apocalypse (one of several possible apocalypses as far as I am concerned, the next most likely is the zombie apocalypse, I am hoping on the zombie as I am prepared for that one). Is it hard to imagine that the scary little cheetah gets tired of the kid not petting it or petting it too hard, and it uses it's super fast robotic cheetah speed to maim the child? How long till we have robots running around eating children? What happened to just playing with plastic action figures or dolls? And we wonder why our children have no imagination.

Are you prepared for the robot apocalypse? Whats your zombie apocalypse plan?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Out of the house...

So late last night on my way back home from work I decided that I didn't want to spend yet another day just laying around the house doing nothing like I have spent the last like two weeks. So on my drive home I texted Greg and asked him if he had big plans for today. He had none. So I suggested we go out and do something. He said yes. So we did today. And where did we go you might ask? Bush Gardens is where bitches! I had free tickets for both of us so we went. We had a really good time. We drank lots of free beer, rode some roller-coasters, drank some more free beers and then came home. We didn't spend all day there, we were there from like eleven to about four thirty or so but we did pretty much everything we wanted to do. It was a pretty nice day. It was a bit hot, much hotter then I would have liked but at least we didn't get rained on.

On another note this Wednesday we are going to Halloween Horror nights at Universal for the employee preview. I am really looking forward to this one. It looks like a bunch of us from work are going and that should be entertaining.

Well I am really tired and I am going to pass out.

Oh I forgot I went and saw that movie My Best Friends Girl. Long and short B, entertaing worth seeing if you are bored and want a decent laugh.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So bored...

So how do you get lots and lots of free time and not make any money? The answer isn't what you think, I didn't get fired and I didn't quit my job. September is the slowest month of the year for Orlando theme parks, and their ajoining businesses. Well since I am employed at one of the afformentioned businesses we are slow. So slow in fact that I am down to only working two days a week for around four hours per shift. Now this would be ok if I was making hundreds of dollars in those four hours, but alas no it's more like twenty to thirty dollars. So needless to say I have plenty of free time on my hands these days. What sucks? I don't even have any cool projects I could be working on with all this free time. I managed to get everything done before Dragon Con! So what have I been doing with all this free time you ask? Pretty much nothing. I have been going to the gym again. And while on the subject of the gym, I have found out who kept leaving all the random werid comments on here, it is Cory one of my friends from high school. I say that is on the subject of the gym as she has started to go to the gym with me and I am helping her get in shape and she helps me with spotting and what not. I am attempting to find a second job but so far that isn't going all.

So the week I got back from Dragon Con I managed to go see two movies (this was before I found out I wouldn't be making any money at work). I went and saw Tropic Thunder and College.

Tropic Thunder was quite amusing. I don't think it's going to be winning any serious awards anytime soon and it certainly wasn't the best movie I ever saw but it was entertaining enough. I felt it was worth my six fifty to see it. I would give it a solid-B

College was for a lack of a better term, giant peice of shit. It was just tired old jokes, and revenge of the nerds for the modern day, but without being unique or funny. It did have lots of nudity, which is almost always a good thing, but even at one point I was like "really? what girls walk around a party naked??" Don't bother with this one, even if it's free. If you just want to see some naked chicks, well watch porn.

That is it for now as I don't really have much else going on.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Home from the con...

WOW. That is pretty much the best way I can sum up Dragon Con this year for me. I had an incredible time. I got home late last night and was just too tired to update this until now. So here is my full con report, details and all.

Wednesday: I had Wednesday off and spent the day running errands and getting last minute details done in time for the con. We were planning on leaving that night so I had to make sure everything was done. I had told Tally and Eric to meet at my house at midnight knowing that at least one of them wouldn't be on time. Sure enough Tally rolls in at like ten till twelve, then at twelve fifteen I still can't get Eric to answer his phone. At about half past he finally calls me and tells me that he tought we were leaving the next day. After some logistic debate we settle on him meeting us up near Dave's house and then following me to Dave's. So we do, and we meet everyone at Dave's place for the long careavan up there. We get everything packed and ready and we are on the road headed for Atlanta by four AM. The ride up wasn't bad at all, everyone stayed awake and we had lots of good laughs on the way up. My car got pissed on by a cow, in the middle of the highway in some random place in Georgia. It was really gross. So after about eight hours of driving we arrived in ATL. Got to our hotel and got checked in. Once again this year Dave had problems checking in, last year he couldn't get his fridge sent to his room, this year he couldn't get his actual room! Randy and Angie got checked right in, I got checked right in, Dave? Two hour wait! He was getting pretty pissed as you can imagine. But we started drinking beers right then and he started to calm down a bit. Once Dave got everything taken care of we went up to the room...but not before I made a new friend! Tally had some sort of room problems of her own, so bad that the hotel didn't have her reservation and she had to find a new one a few blocks away. Well one of her roommates didn't want to go all the way down there so she was just standing in the lobby of the Marriott. I was talking to her and at one point asked where she was staying, to which she replied that she didn't know. I offered to let he stay in our room on the floor if she wanted. She said yes and now we had a fifth roommate. Needless to say we had an interesting weekend with her. But more of that to come. So we all move up to the rooms get some of our shit unpacked and go to get our badges. I got mine with Doug in like ten minutes, everyone else took about an hour or so. Well while they were wating to get their badges Tom (our fourth roommate from So-Cal) called me and let me know he was in the lobby of our hotel. I walked over and met him and took him up to the room. We met everyone back down stairs and we all went to dinner over at the Hard Rock. This is sort of a tradition for us, the first night of the con we always go eat over at the Hard Rock. Well this is one tradition that I am putting a stop to, this year the food sucked. The only thing I liked on their menu they took off and replaced with some sub standard peice of shit. So while at this dinner I get a call from Eric, he tells me that our newest roommate (the girl) is alreday really drunk. Now keep in mind it is only like six PM at this point. So we all get a good laugh out of that and we start talking about how terrible she is going to be as a roommate (ie. bringing a dozen guys into our room for a big orgy on my bed kind of shit). So we head back to the Marriott, we all toss on some random costume (BSG Bdus for me) and head back down to the lobby, but not before some drinks in the room and the start of "The Drunken Hooker Pool." The Drunken Hooker Pool was a betting pool that we made to decide on when and if our new roommate would come back to the room and in what condition she got there. Choices were things like two thrity am but not under her own power (being carried by someone), Not at all (ie at 9am when I got up to work out she still wouldn't be there) etc. So we went down to the lobby and started the party. We played some trainwreck, we drank some more, and we hung out enjoying the con. I got a bit drunk that night but not terrible. At around eleven thirty we saw Eric and Tally and they told us that the Drunken Hooker had made it back up to our room and we thought that was impossible. So we rushed up there to see for our self. Sure enough there she was passed out on the floor (Garry won the pool by the way). I was pretty tired my self since I didn't manage to get a nap in so I went to bed. Middle of the night I woke up and rolled over to see that Tom wasn't in the bed next to me (not that I wanted to sleep with a guy but that is how sharing a room with people works) but instead the Drunken Hooker is in bed next to me! Well I went back to sleep and woke up the next AM to go down to work out with the Spartans from the 300Dc boards.

FRIDAY: I got an ear full from Garry about her sleeping in the bed and that I had to talk to her about it. I went down to work out and found Jose and JD from the 300 boards to be the only two in there. Both seemed supprised and impressed to see me down there. They were almost finnished with their work out so I didn't really get to do anything with them so I did my own work out. They left and I stayed for about a hour total. I went back up to shower and clean up. I went down around ten to meet with the 300 guys to pick up my new shin armor, get straps for my gauntlets and shins, and get the straps on my sandles extended (I also picked up some new wookie braids for my Fett costume). While we were there we also practiced some poses for the group. After that I went back up to the room an met with the gang. We decided to go down and check out the dealers rooms and just wonder around the con. We were all more then a little dissapointed in the dealers rooms, most of us couldn't find anything we wanted to buy. I did manage to find a good deal on the 300 graphic novel and I picked that up, but that was it. At four I went back down to the gym to work out with the Spartans again. This time there was a much larger group of guys down there for the workout. We all did a bunch of different things, I did a pull-up ladder with Fightstar, we did some pushups on rings (like gymnists use), we did a sit-up tabbitia which was crazy hard, and some of us did some strange move on the rings that was incredibly hard to do. Several of the guys wern't able to do it, and I was hesitant to try it, but I didn't want to appear weak in front of these guys so I gave it a try. I was amazed at my self as I was actually able to do it! The entire group cheered and clapped, and I felt great! While we were in working out Lou Ferrigno walked in and started working out, how awesome is that! I can now say I worked out next to the Hulk! After the workout I went back to the room and showered. I went over to the food court and grabbed some Subway and ran back to the room to suit up in my Spartan. So we all met in the bar area of the Marriott for some Spartan good times. It was incredible to see so many of us down there. We walked around for quite a while, we got kicked out of the Hyatt and people took thousands of pictures of us. Here are a couple of them that I found that I liked from Friday night.

That is me front row on the left.

In this one I am on the far left third standing Spartan from the bottom. Behind the guy with the eye patch. After a while we decided we didn't want to carry the spears and shields anymore so we all ran up to our rooms to drop those off and come back down to drink more.

SATURDAY: Saturday morning is the Dragon Con parade. Now in the four years prior to this one I had never seen the parade, as far as I knew everyone was just making that shit up. Well this year I decided it would be a good idea to dress in the Spartan and go to the parade. Wow was I wrong, there really is a parade! I was also wrong that it was a good idea to go to it. My new shin armor I got was digging into my foot and was pretty unconfortable to wear, so my plan was to walk like a mile and half in it. Not the best of plans. But I did and the parade was ok. Here is a pic of me in it, I am behind the king.

Right after the parade I had to high tail it back to my room to change clothes and get ready to airbrush one of the lovley ladies from the 300 boards. I was painting her green for her She-Hulk costume. It took about two and a half hours to paint her because my airbrush isn't really designed to do that but everyone who saw it said it looked good. Right after I finished painting her I ran back up to my room and changed into my new Stormtrooper armor for the Droid Hunt (that I was now two hours late to). When I got down for it we were alreday leading the other teams by quite a bit. Dave was on his way up to his room to get out of costume as he had had enough Droid Hunting. Garry and Dave told me it was really hard this year because the Badges were quite dark and they didn't hand out that many of them. Well I guess they had handed out quite a few right before I got down there becuase I had no problems at all finding them and was off to a great start. In the end we ended up winning by like fourty or fifty droids and we all had a good time. This is our fifth Droid Hunt win and fourth Dragon Con (all four in a row). I think I am done droid hunting until the next Celebration convention. That night the 300Dc folks met for a dinner at Bennihanas, we had a huge turn out for it and the dinner was great. Natalie bought me dinner as a thank you for painting her (and I didn't know she was going to do it) so big thank you to her for that! We had a great time at the dinner and fun was had by all. I decided I was going to put my Spartan back on that night to walk around and drink in. Thankfully Jose, Mike, and Fightstar all had the same idea. We met down in the lobby and started drinking. I left my shins, shield and spear all in the room so I was a bit more confortable. We were also planning on going to the BSG party that night so I threw on my BSG dogtags with my Spartan.

Wow this night was crazy, I spent the entire night drinking with the Spartans. Mike had some Makers Mark mixed with something in a bottle tied to his waist that I kept taking shots out of, plus I started the night with a handfull of Jager shots, and Jose kept giving me beers. I got plenty drunk! We showed up to the BSG party right as it was ending, but despite security trying to get us to leave it didn't stop us from bringing some Spartan culture to the party. Mike got in a push-up challange with one of the BSG girls but to make it more fair Mike had a Cylon girl sitting on his back for them. He still owned her. Fightstar got in a situp challange with another one and he beat her silly. I had a bite of cake, and paid for it in push-ups myself, it was worth it, it was good cake. We headed back with the BSG folks to the Marriott to keep the party going. At one point Jose needed some more beers so we went up to his room and had some more beers. I am alreday pretty drunk at the time of this pic. That is my roommate sitting on the bed in front of me by the way. Apparently she spent a couple of nights in this room.

After a while down at the BSG party I noticed it was like four am and I needed some sleep so I went back to my room and passed out.

SUNDAY: Sunday was much more of a chill day...HA no it wasn't. It started off with some breakfast with the gang. Then we all got into our GI Joe costumes and went down to the big GI Joe Vs. Cobra picture. It was pretty awesome. I had a blast at it. I was also happy because Chris and Angie and I finally seem to be cool again. Which is nice as I like hanging out with them, they are some funny ass mother-fuckers. After the GI-Joe pics I went up and took off the jacket and backpack, gun all that sort of shit. I just walked around in my green GI Joe shirt and the camo pants from the costume. I was pretty chill for a while just hanging out and doing nothing. At some point during the day Dave and I decided to try out Beereal (beer and cereal mixed) we got the idea from the TV show Reaper. In the show Sam and company get a new apartment and the previous owner has a supscribtion to beers of the world sent to him (and he never changed the address when he moved) one morning he gets up and Sock is having Beereal and asks Sam if he wants some, Sam replies with yes, Guiness and Lucky Charms for me, Sock makes you think that is a great choice. Well we thought it sounded good so we tried it. Boy was it the worst shit ever! It was so bad. Of course we still ate it (at least I ate some of it and Dave ate all of it) I of course had to get someone else to try it, and who better then the Drunken Hooker! I told her it was great and I ate a bite in front of her, I scooped her some and she tried it, only to spit it right back out. We all laughed really hard. Needless to say I am going to write a letter to the writers of that show and tell them what a terrible idea that really was. Around seven or eight I decided to put my Spartan back on for one last night. I put the full costume on this time (I figured out how to fix my shins so they didn't hurt so much) and went down stairs. I walked around for a little bit and then saw the 300DC guys, alreday in our seceret drinking costumes. So I went over said hey and went up to change into mine. Our secret costumes were luchadors (Mexican masked wrestlers). These were the most fun costumes I have ever worn. They were so stupid and random! After I came back down I walked away from the group at one point to say hey to Dave and Garry and to get a pic with a couple of girls in female Hellboy costumes (Hellboy and Abe Sapain), when I came back to the Luchas one of them starts squaring off with me like we are in a wrestling match! I of course came right at him and we locked up, I got the take down then I did my signature move...the tea bag. Yep you read that right. Really what happend is when he went down I wasn't really sure where to go from there, so I just started to stand up but I guess I kind of put my crotch right in his face and someone else said it looked like I tea-bagged him. So I said I did, it was my signature move. We went downstairs and had some photos taken of us in the costume as a group. I forgot to mention that the girls of the 300 boards did ring girls for us, which was great! I am the one in the back with the black and white mask with the hood.

At this point I was alreday fairly drunk as I had several Jager shots, and some beers and a super strong Margherita. After the pics we made our way over to the Wolf Pack Elite party, where we had VIP bands for. We got there got in and went to the VIP area, only to find...more booze! I started really pounding it back there. And I got wasted. (this of course was the plan for the evening, to drink till wasted)

I don't remember all of this evening, I remember dancing with some girls, dancing on stage on a stripper pole and drinking a lot. But I had a hell of a good time. I guess Tally nearly punched me in the face because I went up to her and started dancing with her (at Eric's request) and I was wearing the mask and she didn't reconigize me. I guess I took the mask off at just the right moment before she was going to hit me. At some point I staggered back to my room, and found Dave and everyone else. I then got all the way back upstairs and had to puke, I threw up in Dave's toliet (not like last year where it was Randy's tub!) then I went back to my room and just passed out. I woke up in the morning to find my self laying face down on top of the bed still wearing all the clothes I had on the night before (not the mask or hand wrapps as those came off for the puking). I changed clothes and went to breakfast with the gang, I was going to sleep in but relized it was the last breakfast of the con so I had to go. After that I went back upstairs and went back to sleep. I checked out, drove home and all was well.

So that is my full con report, with pics this time. I hope if you went you had as good of a time as I did and if you didn't go you enjoyed my play by play. I had a blast, it was probally the most fun I have had at a Dragon Con as long as I can remember. It could have been a bit better if Bob was there to enjoy the trainwrecks with me but other then that it was amazing.