Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So bored...

So how do you get lots and lots of free time and not make any money? The answer isn't what you think, I didn't get fired and I didn't quit my job. September is the slowest month of the year for Orlando theme parks, and their ajoining businesses. Well since I am employed at one of the afformentioned businesses we are slow. So slow in fact that I am down to only working two days a week for around four hours per shift. Now this would be ok if I was making hundreds of dollars in those four hours, but alas no it's more like twenty to thirty dollars. So needless to say I have plenty of free time on my hands these days. What sucks? I don't even have any cool projects I could be working on with all this free time. I managed to get everything done before Dragon Con! So what have I been doing with all this free time you ask? Pretty much nothing. I have been going to the gym again. And while on the subject of the gym, I have found out who kept leaving all the random werid comments on here, it is Cory one of my friends from high school. I say that is on the subject of the gym as she has started to go to the gym with me and I am helping her get in shape and she helps me with spotting and what not. I am attempting to find a second job but so far that isn't going well...at all.

So the week I got back from Dragon Con I managed to go see two movies (this was before I found out I wouldn't be making any money at work). I went and saw Tropic Thunder and College.

Tropic Thunder was quite amusing. I don't think it's going to be winning any serious awards anytime soon and it certainly wasn't the best movie I ever saw but it was entertaining enough. I felt it was worth my six fifty to see it. I would give it a solid-B

College was for a lack of a better term, giant peice of shit. It was just tired old jokes, and revenge of the nerds for the modern day, but without being unique or funny. It did have lots of nudity, which is almost always a good thing, but even at one point I was like "really? what girls walk around a party naked??" Don't bother with this one, even if it's free. If you just want to see some naked chicks, well watch porn.

That is it for now as I don't really have much else going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cory is fantastic...