Sunday, November 30, 2008

Video blog is up...

Ok so my video blog is finally up on youtube. I figured out what the problem was, I was trying to use too high of a resolution video, I toned it down and it worked just fine. So here is the link to the new video.

I think I am going to keep this blog for my day to day nonsense. I am going to use the video blog for more entertaining things.

An awesome note, this weekend I am going to Ocala to play paintball for three days again. Greg isn't going because he is a little bitch. But Dave and I are going and we are going to have a great time. But the super cool news is that Dave's friend who runs a army/navy style store might be loaning us a helmet mounted camera to use in the field. So after this weekend my V-blog might actually have mid game footage, which would be awesome!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday of death...

So here we are again cats and kittens, welcome. Well today was Black Friday, the greatest of days if you are a real capitalist. What better of a pseudo-holiday then the one made up by retailers for the all important dollar! Now it may sound like I don't like black friday, but this couldn't be further from the truth, I am a huge fan. What's not to like? Cheap crap you don't really need but somehow decide you really can't live without beacuse it is stupid cheap, thousands of people all trying to get the same exact thing you are despite the store only have ten of them, parking lot nightmares, angry mobs of soccer moms fighting over the last shirt in their size marked down to a's all glorious. What's sad, I actually love all of these things about this day (except the parking lot thing, that shit annoys everyone). Today like I have for the past several years I went out shopping. In the past I have gotten up really early and been outside stores before they opened trying to get some super deal on some new gadet or cheap software or the like. This year I didn't see anything I really had to own that would justify going out at four am looking for it. So I managed to sleep in a bit, got up ate some breakfast, showered (your welcome other shoppers) and got dressed. Julie was supposed to meet me at my parents house at nine fifteen, I knew last night that wasn't really going to happen but I entertained her and said ok. Well about nine fifteen she calls and said she just got out of bed and wouldn't be able to meet me until about eleven. I laughed, as I saw that coming a mile away. Well I headed out to the mall as I needed to get to Express before eleven so I didn't miss their big sale. I went to the mall and managed to actually find a parking spot pretty close after only circling around twice. Went in and B-lined straight for Express. I went in to find out they were having a better sale then I expected. They had 25% off everything in the store, plus mark downs on things like jeans and some other stuff. Since I had alreday looked on their website I knew what I was looking for, I found the shirts I liked and a pair of jeans, I tried them on (to have my ego boosted since I got size 30 jeans and size medium shirts!!!) found what I liked and went to check out. At check out I got a free pair of lounge pants because I had a coupon (worth $40). In the end I got over $200 worth of stuff for $130. I know still a lot of money, but I saved a ton and that is a good deal. Also they gave me $50 in Express dollars that I can use on my next purchase of over $100 (so I get $100 worth of stuff for $50). I am pretty happy with the stuff I got, and it marks a new page in my fasion life, the end of the jeans and a t-shirt all the time phase.

After I left Express I wondered around the mall for what seemed like hours, I went into nearly every damn store that might have even sort of sold mens stuff. Finally I got bored of walking around and hungry so I left. I stopped on my way to get lunch at Office Depot looking for a webcam (actually a pair of them) that they had on stupid crazy sale...they were sold out. I left and went to get lunch at my favorite place to eat down here C.R. Chicks (read older blog posts about this place). Julie was supposed to meet me there, well I manged to order food, and slowly eat it and she still wasn't there. So I left and went to Best Buy to look for a webcam and some cheap DVDs. After wondering around there for a while, finding a couple of DVDs I wanted and finding out that webcams were all around $40-$50, Julie finally showed up. We walked around a bit more, I paid for my DVDs (Doomsday and Superbad) and left. We went to a couple of stores in the same shopping center (to no avail) and then went back to the mall because Julie wanted to see some stuff.

While at the mall in Macys I noticed that they had a small Lenscrafters in the store, and more importantly they were having a sale of $100 off any frames. This got me excited so I went in to check it out, after looking around at frames for a while I found a really nice pair I really liked and got the low down on the sale (it doesn't end until the end of the year). Here soon Mom said she would buy me new glasses and with this sale it will really help. I am going to get these RayBans I liked. I am really excited about that.

After that we stopped in Brooksstone and looked at some random stuff. Julie made the comment about me probally liking this toy robot that could talk to you and respond to your commands and what not, I then explained to her that I was afraid of robots because I am sure one day they will get too smart and self-aware and relize they don't need humans and kill us. (think Matrix, or Terminator or even I-Robot) while walking though the store I got one of the girls working at the store involved in the conversation, and totally mind fucked her. She was just off in a daze thinking about how she didn't want to be there, and then I come in with Robot Apocolapse and she had to actually think about it, then of course that turned into Zombie apocolapse talk. She said that was by far the most interesting thing anyone had said to her all day.

From there we ran some more errands, had some more food at another of my favorites, John Smith Subs, and then went back to my place. We hung out there for a little while until my parents got home and took us out to dinner. We ate, the came back here, only to leave again and go see the new movie Four Christmases.

Four Christmases- It was pretty funny, a good amount of the funny parts were in the trailers, but I still laughed at most of them. All in all B+

I dropped Julie back off at her car and came home. I started to play with the new webcame I bought, only to relize that my new digital camera my parents got me shoots video in HD, and the webcame shoots video in shitty jumpy crap. So I am going to retun the webcam and get my money back for it and just use my digital camrea, which is also nice because I can do v-blog spots on locations. I would post a link to my new v-blog on Youtube here, but it is being stupidly slow uploading. Soon I will post the link.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's 6:30am...why the hell am I still awake???

Well I will tell you, after several long, long days and nights in a row I am finally finished with this stupid ESB Fett helmet that I am painting for someone. The helmet is totally done. The visor is installed, the RF is attached, the MQ-1 board is installed, and most importantly the paint job is 100% DONE! I have been working for hours and hours every day for the last like five days to try to get this thing done and I finally finished it this morning. I have hated this helmet all the way from start to finish, and I was really not happy with how it was coming along but in the end I am actually really pleased with the end result. I guess it's true the whole is greater then the sum of it's parts. Is it perfect? No not by a long shot. There are a bunch of things I would do differently if I were to do it over. If it were my helmet I might even try to do them at this point but since it isn't I am not going to touch it. I will suggest to the new owner to replace the visor in it with an accurate dark green welders face shield as the dark grey one that came with this kit sucks anus. It is the wrong color for the ESB helmet, and it isn't dark enough (I can see my own face in the mirror while wearing it). Also I don't like the range finder that came with the kit (or the flimsy resin stalk for that matter either) as it is all one peice and not three seperate ones as it should be, now normally this wouldn't make a big deal if it was ment to all be painted the same color, or even different colors. But the middle section of it should be clear, and well there is no way I can paint fiberglass clear. It just isn't possible. Another problem and this one is minor, I couldn't find the perfect accurate color for one of the ears (none of the shops in town had any and I didn't have time to order it) so I had to use an off the shelf spray paint that was suggest to me. Most people would never notice, but I know it isn't right so it bothers me. The only other big pet peeve I have is with the kill stripes decals I used. This one is probally my fault, most of the time I paint the kill stipes on by hand, but this time I wanted to use the nifty decals I got on TDH for them. They came pre-weathered (meaning the little peices are missing out of them where they should be, or at least that is what I was told) but the weathering isn't really that accurate. It is close, but not quite perfect. Also the ESB kill stripes should fade from a yellow color to a orangeish yellow color, and these are all the same bright yellow color. I tried to hide this a bit with a dark grey misting over the back half and then lightening up as I moved forward and it works, but again not 100%. All in all I am pretty pleased with my work, I think it really is as good as I could make it, except for the above mentioned items. I kind of want to keep this helmet as it is the first ESB helmet I have done and I kind of like it. I can't of course keep it as I can't afford to pay the guy who paid me for it back what he paid me ($300 for the paint plus I think $265 for the helmet!) plus I am sure he wouldn't do it after waiting this long for it. After seeing how this one came out I feel a lot better about having to paint Scott's when he sends it to me, and depending on how many helmets he sends me for myself I might even have a go at an ESB for me too. I do think I am going to have to tell Mac that I can't paint his, I think Mac is too detail oriented and will never be happy with my paint job and I don't want to spend that much time only for him to be dissapointed. I know he isn't going to be happy about that, and I wouldn't blame him but I think it will be better in the long run. My parents got me a new ten megapixel digital camera for my birthday (which is next week bitches!) and I am going to take this helmet down to West Palm with me tonight to get some good photos of it. I will post them here when I do.

Oh since i clearly just mentioned it, I am going down to West Palm either tonight or tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving to see my folks. We are going to celebrate my mom's birthday, my birthday and Thanksgiving all at once, like we do every year. I am exctied. I am also going to see Julie Friday, we are going to go shopping and then to a movie, so I am excited about that too.

On another note, I don't remember if I posted on here or not, but my girlfriend and I broke up a little while ago, things just weren't working out for us, but we are staying friends and I think that is good. Holly still just wants to be friends, and I am not happy about that, so much so that I am thinking about telling her I can't be friends with her as it is really hard on me to talk to her and see her and not be with her. I don't know.

Oh I still have no idea where I am going to live at the end of January, let alone later next year. I am really starting to stress out about it, and it is starting to make me feel kind of sick.

My shoulder is fucked up once again, and this time it doesn't seem to be healing, I think I have done some serious damage to it. Next week on the second (my birthday) I am going to see a doctor about it. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed without surgery, as I can't afford to be out of work for any amount of time (and something tells me shoulder surgery would have me out of work!).

Wow, that one ended up being much longer then I expected. Well that is all for now, I am off to sleep. Have a good day, and if I don't talk to you before then have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What...wait no really what???

So, I have been slacking and not updating here again and I am sorry. But here I am. And here we go. How many times have you heard something so stupid you responded with "that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard!"? I know it happens to me quite often. But it dawned on me today, what really is the dumbest shit I have ever heard? Well I have no idea. I have heard some stupid shit over the years but I can't remember the actual dumbest thing I have ever heard. So I think I am going to get a note pad and carry it around with me and write down all the stupid shit I hear. That way when I feel like I am going to say that to someone, I can look at the list, and compare it to the other stupid shit I have heard and actually give them a realistic appraisal of their sayings (I.e. that is the third dumbest thing I have ever heard!). I think the top thing on my list right now happened to me the other day at work. I had a table of two phillipino guys (who didn't seem to speak english very well...or they were just retarded either way). I asked them what they would like to drink, one of them responded with "I will have lemonade" to which I responded "I am sorry sir but we don't have lemonade"...he looks at the menu, looks up at me, back at the menu and said (and I shit you not) "Well if you not have lemonade then Mahi Sandwich." (and he pointed to the mahi sandwich on the menu) I stood completly dumbfounded at this. I could not figure out how on earth us not having lemonade possibly got him to mahi sandwich. I didn't know if he wanted me to some how make him a mahi sandwich drink (like blended up or what) or what the hell he ment. I stood there just mind fucked by that sentance for a minute or so before I could figure out what to say. I asked again what he wanted to drink, this time he answered with water (an actual drink of course) and all was well. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?? I went in the back and asked every single employee of NBA City what they thought that ment. No one seemed to have a solid answer. I am still trying to wrap my mind around how no lemonade went to mahi sandwich. (what would he have eaten if we had lemonade?) Ok that is all for that.

Now on to some interesting news, in the past I have always said that I feel that stupidity should hurt the stupid (but it always hurts the smart!) but three times in about a week someone else's stupidity has actually benifited me. I went to Krystal down on 192 the other night and ordered some food, when the food arrived everything was on it, but the bill was missing some chicken I ordered. I still got the chicken but I didn't pay for it. Yeah me! I went to Taco Bell the other night, ordered some food, one burrito and one soft taco, and my bag had two soft tacos and a burrito (my order but with an extra taco how I like them) again I was not charged for the extra item! And last but not least, I ordered some resistance bands online and they got lost (UPS thinks they lost them) but apparently the company that sent them to me didn't put my apartment # on the box, just the building #, so the box was sitting up at the office. But I didn't know it was up there so I had them send me another set, which they did and it arrived (this time to my actual apartment) but now I have two sets of the same bands, so I sold one set for what I paid for them so I basically got my set for free!!

Last but not least some quick movie reviews:

Zach and Miri Make a Porno: Pretty good, but most of the funny parts are in the trailers, I was pretty dissapointed with this one because it is a Kevin Smith movie and I usually love his flicks. This one was just kind of a let down. C+

Role Models: This one was great! Really funny, and not nearly all of the funny stuff is in the previews. The little black kid pretty much steals the show. A

007 Quantum of Solace: This one was also pretty good, I didn't like the story of this one as much as I liked Casino Royal but the action was just as good if not better. The begining was a bit hard to follow but it caught up pretty quick. It also has about every kind of vechile chase you can have, car, boat, plane, and motorcycle. Lots of gun play. No cool gadgets, actually now that I think about it, it really had nothing cool in that way. Damn. I didn't notice until just now. Oh well still quite good. B+

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mark's holiday wish list.

So the holiday season is closely approaching and I thought all of you, my faithful readers and friends would like to buy me stuff. So I am putting together a wish list for all of you to help you better shop for me. Remember my birthday is on the 2nd of December and I will gladly take presents for any of the other holidays you feel like giving them to me for.

So here it is, in no paticular order:

GNC gift cards
Digital Camera (7.2 megapixel or better)- I really like the Fujifilm FinePix S1000fd 10-Megapixel Digital Camera - Black from Circuit city (and this weekend it is on sale!!)
Express gift cards (I need some new jeans and I am stepping up in the fasion world)
New glasses (I am wearing the same pair of glasses I have had since college)
Bowflex Select Tech Dumbbells (the 5-52.5lbs or bigger versions)

I think that is all, I know all high dollar ticket items, but well I just don't have a lot of small stuff I need anymore.

Monday, November 3, 2008

AHHH Stupid DVR....

Ok so last night was Sunday night and there were new episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy. I of course have had my DVR set to record those shows since I have had a DVR box. Well last week (or maybe week before last) my DVR box changed it's menu, while I was watching it none the less (which turned the box off for like two hours). Well I guess something happened when it changed the menu and it screwed up my series recording options. It managed to put The Simpsons on the bottom of my priority list and completely removed Family Guy from my recording list. Well last night I guess some other show (Mythbusters I think) was having a bunch of older episodes and it recoreded all of them, and not Simpsons or Family Guy! AHH damnit! Don't get me wrong I like Mythbusters, but I told my DVR not to record a couple of those episodes as I had seen them alreday. I didn't know that Family guy wasn't going to record at all though. I hate the new menu they have "upgraded" me to. The old one was much more user friendly. It was so much eaiser to use and the new one sucks in compairson.

Ok that is it kids. I think will air them either today or tomorrow. Hopefully today. I am going to check now.