Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday of death...

So here we are again cats and kittens, welcome. Well today was Black Friday, the greatest of days if you are a real capitalist. What better of a pseudo-holiday then the one made up by retailers for the all important dollar! Now it may sound like I don't like black friday, but this couldn't be further from the truth, I am a huge fan. What's not to like? Cheap crap you don't really need but somehow decide you really can't live without beacuse it is stupid cheap, thousands of people all trying to get the same exact thing you are despite the store only have ten of them, parking lot nightmares, angry mobs of soccer moms fighting over the last shirt in their size marked down to a's all glorious. What's sad, I actually love all of these things about this day (except the parking lot thing, that shit annoys everyone). Today like I have for the past several years I went out shopping. In the past I have gotten up really early and been outside stores before they opened trying to get some super deal on some new gadet or cheap software or the like. This year I didn't see anything I really had to own that would justify going out at four am looking for it. So I managed to sleep in a bit, got up ate some breakfast, showered (your welcome other shoppers) and got dressed. Julie was supposed to meet me at my parents house at nine fifteen, I knew last night that wasn't really going to happen but I entertained her and said ok. Well about nine fifteen she calls and said she just got out of bed and wouldn't be able to meet me until about eleven. I laughed, as I saw that coming a mile away. Well I headed out to the mall as I needed to get to Express before eleven so I didn't miss their big sale. I went to the mall and managed to actually find a parking spot pretty close after only circling around twice. Went in and B-lined straight for Express. I went in to find out they were having a better sale then I expected. They had 25% off everything in the store, plus mark downs on things like jeans and some other stuff. Since I had alreday looked on their website I knew what I was looking for, I found the shirts I liked and a pair of jeans, I tried them on (to have my ego boosted since I got size 30 jeans and size medium shirts!!!) found what I liked and went to check out. At check out I got a free pair of lounge pants because I had a coupon (worth $40). In the end I got over $200 worth of stuff for $130. I know still a lot of money, but I saved a ton and that is a good deal. Also they gave me $50 in Express dollars that I can use on my next purchase of over $100 (so I get $100 worth of stuff for $50). I am pretty happy with the stuff I got, and it marks a new page in my fasion life, the end of the jeans and a t-shirt all the time phase.

After I left Express I wondered around the mall for what seemed like hours, I went into nearly every damn store that might have even sort of sold mens stuff. Finally I got bored of walking around and hungry so I left. I stopped on my way to get lunch at Office Depot looking for a webcam (actually a pair of them) that they had on stupid crazy sale...they were sold out. I left and went to get lunch at my favorite place to eat down here C.R. Chicks (read older blog posts about this place). Julie was supposed to meet me there, well I manged to order food, and slowly eat it and she still wasn't there. So I left and went to Best Buy to look for a webcam and some cheap DVDs. After wondering around there for a while, finding a couple of DVDs I wanted and finding out that webcams were all around $40-$50, Julie finally showed up. We walked around a bit more, I paid for my DVDs (Doomsday and Superbad) and left. We went to a couple of stores in the same shopping center (to no avail) and then went back to the mall because Julie wanted to see some stuff.

While at the mall in Macys I noticed that they had a small Lenscrafters in the store, and more importantly they were having a sale of $100 off any frames. This got me excited so I went in to check it out, after looking around at frames for a while I found a really nice pair I really liked and got the low down on the sale (it doesn't end until the end of the year). Here soon Mom said she would buy me new glasses and with this sale it will really help. I am going to get these RayBans I liked. I am really excited about that.

After that we stopped in Brooksstone and looked at some random stuff. Julie made the comment about me probally liking this toy robot that could talk to you and respond to your commands and what not, I then explained to her that I was afraid of robots because I am sure one day they will get too smart and self-aware and relize they don't need humans and kill us. (think Matrix, or Terminator or even I-Robot) while walking though the store I got one of the girls working at the store involved in the conversation, and totally mind fucked her. She was just off in a daze thinking about how she didn't want to be there, and then I come in with Robot Apocolapse and she had to actually think about it, then of course that turned into Zombie apocolapse talk. She said that was by far the most interesting thing anyone had said to her all day.

From there we ran some more errands, had some more food at another of my favorites, John Smith Subs, and then went back to my place. We hung out there for a little while until my parents got home and took us out to dinner. We ate, the came back here, only to leave again and go see the new movie Four Christmases.

Four Christmases- It was pretty funny, a good amount of the funny parts were in the trailers, but I still laughed at most of them. All in all B+

I dropped Julie back off at her car and came home. I started to play with the new webcame I bought, only to relize that my new digital camera my parents got me shoots video in HD, and the webcame shoots video in shitty jumpy crap. So I am going to retun the webcam and get my money back for it and just use my digital camrea, which is also nice because I can do v-blog spots on locations. I would post a link to my new v-blog on Youtube here, but it is being stupidly slow uploading. Soon I will post the link.

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