Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What...wait no really what???

So, I have been slacking and not updating here again and I am sorry. But here I am. And here we go. How many times have you heard something so stupid you responded with "that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard!"? I know it happens to me quite often. But it dawned on me today, what really is the dumbest shit I have ever heard? Well I have no idea. I have heard some stupid shit over the years but I can't remember the actual dumbest thing I have ever heard. So I think I am going to get a note pad and carry it around with me and write down all the stupid shit I hear. That way when I feel like I am going to say that to someone, I can look at the list, and compare it to the other stupid shit I have heard and actually give them a realistic appraisal of their sayings (I.e. that is the third dumbest thing I have ever heard!). I think the top thing on my list right now happened to me the other day at work. I had a table of two phillipino guys (who didn't seem to speak english very well...or they were just retarded either way). I asked them what they would like to drink, one of them responded with "I will have lemonade" to which I responded "I am sorry sir but we don't have lemonade"...he looks at the menu, looks up at me, back at the menu and said (and I shit you not) "Well if you not have lemonade then Mahi Sandwich." (and he pointed to the mahi sandwich on the menu) I stood completly dumbfounded at this. I could not figure out how on earth us not having lemonade possibly got him to mahi sandwich. I didn't know if he wanted me to some how make him a mahi sandwich drink (like blended up or what) or what the hell he ment. I stood there just mind fucked by that sentance for a minute or so before I could figure out what to say. I asked again what he wanted to drink, this time he answered with water (an actual drink of course) and all was well. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?? I went in the back and asked every single employee of NBA City what they thought that ment. No one seemed to have a solid answer. I am still trying to wrap my mind around how no lemonade went to mahi sandwich. (what would he have eaten if we had lemonade?) Ok that is all for that.

Now on to some interesting news, in the past I have always said that I feel that stupidity should hurt the stupid (but it always hurts the smart!) but three times in about a week someone else's stupidity has actually benifited me. I went to Krystal down on 192 the other night and ordered some food, when the food arrived everything was on it, but the bill was missing some chicken I ordered. I still got the chicken but I didn't pay for it. Yeah me! I went to Taco Bell the other night, ordered some food, one burrito and one soft taco, and my bag had two soft tacos and a burrito (my order but with an extra taco how I like them) again I was not charged for the extra item! And last but not least, I ordered some resistance bands online and they got lost (UPS thinks they lost them) but apparently the company that sent them to me didn't put my apartment # on the box, just the building #, so the box was sitting up at the office. But I didn't know it was up there so I had them send me another set, which they did and it arrived (this time to my actual apartment) but now I have two sets of the same bands, so I sold one set for what I paid for them so I basically got my set for free!!

Last but not least some quick movie reviews:

Zach and Miri Make a Porno: Pretty good, but most of the funny parts are in the trailers, I was pretty dissapointed with this one because it is a Kevin Smith movie and I usually love his flicks. This one was just kind of a let down. C+

Role Models: This one was great! Really funny, and not nearly all of the funny stuff is in the previews. The little black kid pretty much steals the show. A

007 Quantum of Solace: This one was also pretty good, I didn't like the story of this one as much as I liked Casino Royal but the action was just as good if not better. The begining was a bit hard to follow but it caught up pretty quick. It also has about every kind of vechile chase you can have, car, boat, plane, and motorcycle. Lots of gun play. No cool gadgets, actually now that I think about it, it really had nothing cool in that way. Damn. I didn't notice until just now. Oh well still quite good. B+

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