Monday, November 3, 2008

AHHH Stupid DVR....

Ok so last night was Sunday night and there were new episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy. I of course have had my DVR set to record those shows since I have had a DVR box. Well last week (or maybe week before last) my DVR box changed it's menu, while I was watching it none the less (which turned the box off for like two hours). Well I guess something happened when it changed the menu and it screwed up my series recording options. It managed to put The Simpsons on the bottom of my priority list and completely removed Family Guy from my recording list. Well last night I guess some other show (Mythbusters I think) was having a bunch of older episodes and it recoreded all of them, and not Simpsons or Family Guy! AHH damnit! Don't get me wrong I like Mythbusters, but I told my DVR not to record a couple of those episodes as I had seen them alreday. I didn't know that Family guy wasn't going to record at all though. I hate the new menu they have "upgraded" me to. The old one was much more user friendly. It was so much eaiser to use and the new one sucks in compairson.

Ok that is it kids. I think will air them either today or tomorrow. Hopefully today. I am going to check now.

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