Saturday, June 16, 2007

I have returned!

So I am back! I went down to my unit's house on Wednesday and came home today. Man that made for a long day today! I got up at like six fourty five this morning and I only got like a two hour nap this evening. I went home to get my truck fixed and just to get out or Orlando for a couple of days. I wanted to see Julie again, but she was having a bad couple of days and didn't want to see anyone. I feel bad for her as I think something really bad is going on and she won't tell me what it is. Other then that I didn't do shit the entire time I was down there but watch TV and eat at a few of my favorite places down there. It was also nice because Wednesday night I went and bought some steaks and grilled them for all of us Thursday night Mom made roast which I enjoyed of course.

So I know I mentioned that I was going to ask my boss for a promotion, well he was a no-show the other morning, I guess he forgot about me. I saw him today when I came in to pick up my check and he said he will be here at seven am tomorrow, let's see if he actually shows this time! I just looked at the schedule for next week and once again the new girl managed to get the damn weekend off. That is the fifth week in a row! I am getting pretty pissed about that shit. And as if that wasn't bad enough she is also taking four days off next week which is screwing up my days off once again! Also one of the nights I have to work alone, agian. All of this further proves my point that i NEED a promotion, since I am the only one they trust enough to have work alone as I am the only one who can get the job done and correctally. It also seems that the moron has started pawning her work off on the new front desk monkey at nights. It's not like her work load has incresed, or gotten harder some how, but she has found someone who she can take advantage of and is now doing so. I don't think this is fair as he doesn't get paid to do this kind of shit, and she won't ask me for help, not that I want to do it even if she does. She has stopped coming out to the front desk area and instead sits in the back office all by her self. When I am here that is fine, as I don't want to hear her mumble to her self all night, and he massive mess of papers that she always makes is unprofessional for guests to see, but when she is here with the new girl she does it as well, and that is unacceptable. The new girl isn't confortable enough with the computer system to have to check in all the guests alone. When I speak with the manager tomorrow I will bring these issues up with him as well.

So on a more fun note, Star Wars weekends is once again this weekend! I will be wearing my Tusken on Saturday and Boba on Sunday again. Next week is the last week of the thing so that will kind of suck, it also sucks because I can't have the night off Friday or Saturday because the damn new girl took them off again. But it has been a fun run and it couldn't last forever.

Oh if anyone reading this has the abilty to do drawings, concept art sort of stuff shoot me a PM on what ever board you know me from or e-mail me. I need some concept art done for a project I am working on. It would need to be very well done (think McQuarrie art from Star Wars kind of stuff) and it will be SW themed.

And last for now is that LAAN from TDH knew what my quote from last post was from, it was Stan Lee in the older Spider-man comics and TV show. So points to him.

Well until next time...never eat blue beef, I don't care what anyone tells you. Yellow snow is never lemon flavored, lemons don't just fall off the tree, spit their jucie all over the snow and wait for you to eat it. Even if they did I think lemons only grow when it is warm out. If something says "if accidentally swallowed call posion control" you should still call them if you drank it on purpose.

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