Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So today has been just one giant shit-fest. I came in last night and the night manager (not supervisor but actual manager) told me that the big boss (the one I spoke with when I was asking for a promotion) was coming in first thing in the morning to talk to me. I have learned that when the boss wants to talk to you it is not a good thing. If it was good he would just send an e-mail or something. So I asked her if she knew what it was about, she said she thought it had something to do with me calling in sick over the weekend. (I called in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) I asked her was I not allowed to get sick? She replied that she thought it was more to do with the time of day I called in vs. actually calling in (which I would have been fine with since I called in about thirty minutes to an hour before my shift started each day as I was trying to get up to come in). So morning comes, and he actually shows up early to talk to me (which I know isn't a good sign since he is the one that never keeps appointments). I finnish my work and go to his office to talk. He lays it down that since I called in this weekend and I had been late ONE DAY since he talked to me several weeks ago that I was being suspended. He asked me if I had a doctors note for calling in, to which I replied "No since I don't run to the doctor everytime I get the flu. I have had thousands of flus over my life and at this point I know what a doctor would say 'Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids'." Plus Mom had the revelation that it was the weekend and I couldn't have gone to see a doctor even if I wanted to. So I asked if I was being punished for being sick? He said I wasn't being "punished" but rather some other stupid wording that ment the same thing. I said that he was argueing semanticts and that what ever word he used and punished ment the same thing. He went on to say that it was excessive the amount of days I have been late and called in sick (in my entire year and three months I have been here) to which I responded "where is it spelled out how many days I can be late or sick? I want to see in black and white how many days in a month, six months, a year etc. I can call in sick or be late. What is excessive if it isn't defined anywhere??" He resonded "that the managment is left to decide what is excessive." I just think that it is bullshit that I can get suspended for calling in sick, it's not like I call in sick often, hell before this month I hadn't called in in like four months. I had sick time saved up that I was planning on using for these days so if I had managed to save up enough sick time to take three days off how could I have been excessive?? I am so angry I don't even know what to do. I don't know if I was even supposed to come in tonight, the boss was supposed to call me during the day to tell me when I had to go speak with HR and he never did. I called him three times and left voice mail asking if he had spoken with HR and if I was supposed to come into work tonight or not. He never called me back. On the last message I left I said that if I didn't hear from him I was going to assume I was supposed to come to work tonight.

To top things off my god damn paypal account is still sitting at a negitive balance since the ass-bag from e-bay was too impatient to wait a couple of days for me to ship his stupid items and filed a claim with paypal. So now I can't get money sent into that account so I am having to have money sent to Eric's paypal account. I have sent the moron several e-mails telling him to fix it and he still hasn't. The items have been delievered and he still sits. That douche.

If things weren't bad enough I looked at my bank account tonight and noticed that I have eight dollars and change to my name right now. Mom loaned me a hundred dollars on Sunday but several things were deleyed in going through so I had less money then I thought I had which is why I am so broke. Plus e-bay took their twenty some odd dollar selling fees this week, and my damn netflix went through, both of those I wasn't expecting. I think I need to start looking for another job, maybe two depending on how long I am going to be suspended for.

What is it about life that when things get bad everything gets bad all at once?? I can never have just one problem I have to have ten. One or two I could deal with and fix, everything all at once is overwhelming.

Thursday I go into the foot doctor to have surgery on my toe..again..for the twentyith god damn time. I was planning on going down to West Palm so I could lounge around Mom and Dad's place while my foot healed but now I don't know if I can afford to do that.

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