Sunday, June 3, 2007

I Live!

WOw so I am back from CIV and alive! I know I have been really slacking on the updates but too bad. But as stated I am back from LA and back at work. Celebration was a total blast, the convention was a ton of fun and it was great hanging out with everyone. I also got to meet new people who I now call good friends. Once again the Florida boyz took home the Droid Hunt title! This time we had a new addition to our team, an Ausie from Japan (I am not sure about that one either?) named Stewart and his wife Miko (she spotted for him) and he rocked the casba! Our winning tally on driods was four hundred and sixty six...the second place team had a hundred and twenty nine! Stewart got a hundred and nine all by him self, talk about an amazing first DH for him. Our number would have been more but we kept a hand full of droids for our selfs as keepsakes and we got the artist who drew them to sign them for us. The only thing I didn't like about the convention was that it was in LA. That city is a sespool if I have ever seen one. If i never go back there it will be too soon, but of course since I said that the next damn celebration will be there! Garry once again decided he was going to break the world record for longest time in stormtrooper armor without taking it off (of course it was his own record he was beating this time...). His old record was seventy five and a half hours. This go around he broke eighty five. While I was excited for him, my nose wasn't. Come Sunday night when he took the armor off and more importanly the boots off I nearly threw up the smell was so bad. I have never smelled anything worse in my life. I described it as a homeless person who had had chinese food and refried beens taking a shit up your nostrils. It was so bad we had to take the damn boots out of the room just so we all didn't puke all over the place. Dave got the terrible job of doing that, he got one of the laundry plastic bags and wrapped his hand in it. He then grabbed the boots and neckseal and ran them out the front door all while holding a pillow over his nose and mouth to help with the smell. he said the texture was like a slightly dried up dog turd, kind of hard while still squishy in the middle. He said he could also feel the wetness through the bag...ew. The best part of the entire ordeal was after they went outside Chrsitine (Dave's wife) asked "what if somebody steals them?" we all got a good hard laugh out of that since we really thought if anyone got close enough to steal them with out a breath mask or a biohazard suit they would actually die. I have lots of other fun stories from the week but I don't feel like typing them all here. The TDH dinner went so so, the company was great, and the food was ok but it took forever to get food. This was not our waitress's fault as she did a great job, but I do blame the managers for only giving us one waitress and not preparing her at all. I had two panels on costuming that I gave (one on tusken raiders and the other on Boba Fett) both went really well. I had people come up to me all weekend telling me how much they enjoyed them. That made me feel good since I was afraid everyone was going to think they were really boring. I was sad to have to come home and back to work but it's all good. Because now Star Wars weekends are going on at Disney/MGM Studios! So I still get to see friends and costume so it has been a nice transition.

I did find out that I am not allowed to take long vacations anymore since while I was gone all hell broke loose here at work. The moron and the new girl did not get on well while I was gone. They had just problem after problem after problem. But it did have a couple of good outcomes first work figured out that the moron is a moron and needs training and that they really need me here! So while I was pissed that I had to fix nearly a weeks worth of problems I am glad they figured out the two above mentioned parts.

Well kids I am going to run, I need some Dew and I think I am going to browse the online dating sites in the off chance I can some how find the hot, single, straight/bi, nerd loving, star wars fan girl who wants me...somehow I think this isn't going to go well.

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