Friday, June 22, 2007

With no more guilding the lilly....

I'm back cats and kittens! Here we are again gathered around your computer screen, reading my words instead of looking at interent porn. Man you need a better hobby. Just kidding with you. So once again I am at work, and once again I am alone... this time it wasn't someone calling in or anything it was planned this way. I really hope that when it is time for performance reviews (which in turn means raises!) they remeember who is the only person they trust to stay here alone! So help me if I get a bad review I am going to burn the building down with everyone trapped inside. (no I'm not so don't anyone get all nurvous or call me a terrorist or anything) There was something I wanted to write last night, but I forgot what it was...perhaps later I will remember. Tonight is going so-so as of now. The overnight F/D monkey is starting to get on my nerves tonight. He doesn't seem to be able to solve any problem on his own, even simple shit. It's annoying as hell to have to tell him what to do when someone needs to find a pharmacy right now, and then exctally how to do it.

So tomorrow marks the first day of the last weekend of Star Wars Weekends at Disney. I still haven't, at two thirty six in the AM, decided which costume I am going to wear tomorrow. I don't know why I am having such a hard time deciding but it is being a pain in the ass.

I haven't been sleeping well these last couple of days, and I am not real sure why. But it has been a nice chance to get some stuff done I needed to. I got Garry's Seethreepeeo head all painted and finnished, I got all the prep work done on the clone long rifle I have, and the Boba Fett ROTJ helmet for a TDH member done. All of that has been nice, not sleeping has not been so nice...

Speaking of not so nice, I got my car insurance reinstated and while that is a good thing the two hundred and seventy dollars it cost me wasn't. All that becuase Mom couldn't figure out how to make the auto-pay feature work correctally. She set it up (according to her) but it never worked correctally, and for some reason I never got a bill. So my insurance got cancelled, I found out when the state sent me a letter saying my DL was going to be suspended. So I got it fixed but man I am pissed about it. So now of course I am broke, and the new girl at work was supposed to be taking some Disney tickets from me to the tune of two hundred dollars worth and now she isn't. I hate counting on other people for money and then them falling through.

Ah I did remember what I wanted to talk about's the moron. Some how she is regressing in her ability to do her job. On two seperate nights she did the first half of the audit when I wasn't here. On both of these nights she managed to screw it up. The report that I fill out everynight that is part of the first half of the audit tells you when you don't do it correctally, as soon as you finnish it. All of the other reports that are done at night don't do this, you would have to have someone notice the problem and then e-mail you with what you did wrong. Not this report, intant confirmation if you did it right or not. Somehow the moron did the report wrong, on both nights she was here, and didn't even attempt to correct it. One night she just left it, the next night she just told the new girl "tell who ever(as if she didn't know it was going to be me!) does the report that it was off yesterday". NO SHIT MORON! THE REPORT TELLS ME THAT! I of course had to go back in on both days and figure out why she was off, and correct them. It took me all of thirty seconds to correct the first day, and less then five to correct the second day, that is how stupid she is. I really wish stupidity hurt the stupid, in the end it only really hurts the rest of us.

Well I think I will leave you with these final words of wisdom, if you can't think of a single one of your friends whom you are smarter then, you are the idiot of your group. Perhaps it's time to work on that, and I mean fix your self not find dumber friends.

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