Saturday, September 8, 2007


Well hello again b's and g's. It is seven in the am and I am up, writting on here. Why the hell am I up so early you ask?? Well it is simple, well sort of simple. After going to Dragon Con (I will have a full update later tonight on the con) I relized that I really wanted to do a Spartan costume from 300. Well since my fat ass wouldn't be caught dead in a tiny leather speedo and nothing else I need to get into some other shape besides round. So on my way home from work last night I stopped at Bally total fitness and signed up, I have an eight am appointment with a personal trainer today before I go into work at eleven. Alreday I can tell this is going to be hard, he had me eat breakfast today, and instead of something good like a bowl of ceral or pancakes he had me eat three egg whites, not the yolks just the whites. But I am decidated to this goal and am going to stick with what ever he has me do to get into the shape I want. I told him I need to be in shape for Feburary. Why Fed you ask? Well Megacon is in Feb and I want to be able to wear the Spartan for then. Eric has decided to do one as well, but he has a lot less to do to get into shape he really just needs to bulk up a bit where I need to loose a bit of weight and gain a ton of muscle mass.

That is all for now, as I said tonight when I get home I will post an update on Dragon Con and more.

1 comment:

Mark son of Milton said...

Yep, now as a zombie I have returned to type again. I don't know why I was driven to type here instead of eating people but oh well got to do what feels right I guess....