Monday, July 2, 2007

AHH stupid computers!

So I wanted to make a new paragraph under that last one but for some reason the ENTER button wouldn't do anything. Not real sure why. So now that I have been fired you might be asking your self "Self? How on earth can Mark be online if he isn't at work???" Well friends the answer is simple, what do I do when I loose my only source of income? Well I go out and get a new bill to pay every month. That's right I went out and got internet at home. So now I can search for jobs....and look at porn at home. This of course did not come without it's own set of new problems. For one my computer is several years old now, nearly seven or so I think. So that means it isn't what you would call "up to date" it runs slow, it freezes up all the damn time (I think I have restarted about twenty times today alone) and it won't download a lot of the new software it needs. I can't for some reason open this website in internet explorer. I can open it in AOL just fine (minus the ENTER key thing) but who wants to be in stupid AOL all the damn time? NOT ME!

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