Thursday, July 26, 2007


So I know it's been a while, sorry I am lazy. But I have good news to report, I am once again gainfully employed. I got a new job at the Sheraton Safari resort near Disney. I am once again working over nights, doing audit work. I also had my interview with Sea World on Tuesday (it got pushed back) and I felt like it went well. The bad news, I hate my new job. It sucks something hard core. It is actually seven to eight hours worth of night audit work, and that is aweful, and boring as all hell. Now the problem isn't that it's eight hours of work, but that it is eight hours of audit work. I only did the old job because the audit work was only about three hours, and I could stand that. Hopefully I will hear back from Sea World and get that job and go there and ditch this new job as I HATE it.

I have made quite a bit of progress on some of my projects here at the house, though. I have the Jango armor almost all done, the Boba armor is about seventy percent done. I still need to finish those two, and then paint the Jango rocket pack and I will be all done. I am going today to Eric's house to paint Randy's royal guard helmet with my nifty automobile spray gun. I hope I can figure out what to do with it all and not kill my self in the process. I guess the paints are like SUPER TOXIC and if proper safty steps aren't taken death can insue. And knowing me I will probally forget something and have to make another trip to the hospital... man that would not be good at all.

I think, depending on what time I finish at Eric's place I might go see I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry today. I know I told a couple of you that I was going to go see it this previous weekend, but I didn't I was lazy. But you know what comes out tomorrow? SIMPSONS MOVIE!! I am excited about that one for sure. Well that is all I have for now, I am going to go cook some lunch and then get on the road to Eric's.

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