Saturday, July 14, 2007

Toys. Oh dear got not again...

Welcome to another exciting adventure of Mark's world. I am your host. Mark son of Milton and I will be guiding you though the rest of your read. So on to it.

Yesterday I went to Eric's work to drop off some Fett peices he wanted to borrow. While I was there he twisted my arm (he asked, Hey Mark want to shoot my M-4 to which I responded, um hell yea) and got me to go shoot his new M-4 rifle. Well needless to say I enjoyed it. I only put fourty rounds through it but I still enjoyed it. It is by far my favorite of his guns. Afterwords we went with some guys from his work to get a couple of beers (and I ate some gator tail). Needless to say I am pretty sure Eric is the butt of everyone's jokes no matter what group of people he is with. I kind of feel bad for him, but then again all of us have been there at some point it's just his turn since he only seems to hang out with people older then he is. After the beers and food we went and saw Harry Potter again. It was actually better the second time around, not that it wasn't good the first time, it was just better the second.

Also this past Thursday and I think it was last Thursday also Greg called me and asked me to go and get beers with him. I enjoyed that since we used to do it every Wednesday night either instead of or after paintball. So it has been nice to go out and chill again. Plus he has bought the food and booze the last two times we went out. Both times I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. (I assume because he knows I have no income comming in) What ever the reason I am not going to complain since he is buying..

So I have fallen back into an old and disturbing habbit. I have begun buying toys again. Sigh. For those of you who don't know I used to be one of those people who had to own every single action figure that was in the Star Wars line. After a while I was running out of room, and more inportantly tolerance for Hasbro reissuing the same figures over and over again. (new cards or different paint or some thing stupid like that) So a while ago I sold all of my action figures (and got a nice little chunk of change for it) and haven't looked back since. It has been nice not going down the toy isle every time I go to the retard zoo or Target. Plus it has saved me tons of money. Well stupid Hasbro just had to go and make new toys for the new Trasnformer movie, and I noticed one of them (Blackout, who was my favorite from the new movie). I thought "eh, he is eightteen bucks that isn't bad and he looked pretty cool" so I bought it. I took it home and started trying to figure out how to transform him. Well after not being able to do it for a solid ten minutes I got the instructions and then figured it out. (by the way when did Transformers get so damn hard to transform that you need an advanced enginerring degree to do it?) So I played with it for a while longer and really liked the figure. He looks cool in robot mode (like he does in the movie) and he actually looks like the real helicopter when he goes to copter mode. He doen't have big stupid guns anywhere or anything stupid like that. Plus in helicopter mode there is a button you can push and it makes the rotors spin, which I thought was neat. And this is the best part, in robot mode the rotors can come off his back and he can hold them and use them as the spiny blades of death like he does in the movie (and you can still push the button and make them spin!). So after realling liking this one, and seeing some of the other ones both online and reading some reviews of them I went out on the search for them. Two days later and about eight trips to different stores later I have six of the them (counting the first one) including the expensive, big, really cool, Optimus Prime. I really have to say I think these are really cool. It has been since like ninteen eighty five since I have had a new Transformer toy, and these are so cool. But here is the problem, while from this line I only wanted the ones from the moive (I still need to get Bumblebee, Bonecrusher, maybe the leader class Devestator since the delux version is so small, and probally Jazz, and Scorponok. I can find the last two everywhere I just am debating if I really want them or not, the first two I can't find anywhere as I am looking for the new body style bumblebee not the old busted version) and I don't think I am going to get Megatron as I don't really like how he looks, but I am looking on Ebay for the old G1 toys that I had as a kid. So far I have only found one I actually want and that is Blitzwing. Most of the other G1 figures I think are stupid, but Blitzwing is really cool cause he transforms from a Bot, to a Tank, and then to a plane and I had him as a kid! This has no where to go but bad since I don' want one that is in bad condition and I really want one with the instructions since I remember not being able to get him to transform into one of the three options (like I could get him to go to robot and tank but not plane or something like that).

Damn you Hasbro, I hate you. At least I have limited my desire to buy them since I only want the cool ones from the movie (like I am not getting Ratchet since I think he is dumb in both truck and robot mode). But since the movie is doing so well we all know they will make another one (which makes me very happy!!) and I will have to get the toys from that one... I just hope I don't decide I want to buy other G1 toys because I think they are cool or because I didn't have them as a kid (like Megatron that turns into a gun, since my mom didn't like guns...) .

Oh well I am off to play with Optimus since I just got him tonight and just got him into truck mode now I need to see if I can figure out how to put him back into Robot mode.


Oh a side note, Dvd review if you are thinking about seeing the movie Derailed, pass. I couldn't even finnish the stupid thing. I got up to the point after the two main characters get mugged (and the girl gets raped) but I just didn't seem to care about either of them, and I think the movie makers expecting me to care about them for the rest of the story to work. I was really bored. Don't ask me how it ends, or anything that happens after about fourty minutes into it cause I have no idea. It's on it's way back to Netflix and is getting one star on my Netflix rating system.

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