Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sleep...who needs that??

So it's nearly five am and am I sleeping? No. Do I want to be? Yes. Since I don't work nights anymore there is no reason for me to be awake in the midding of the damn night, yet here I am. For some reason I can't sleep much these days. I have only been getting like three or four hours a day at best. Oh well, I am sure I don't really need it.

So at last I have some mildly good news on the job front. Sea World called today, and I have an interview set up for Thursday at two thirty. The interview is for a front of house manager at Sharks Underwater Grill. Basically that would be the guy in charge of all the wait staff, hostess, and bartenders. It doesn't pay that great but right now income is income.

Also on a prop building note I went out and picked up a book on how to paint cars. Now you might be saying "But Mark, you don't paint cars!" Well you are correct I don't paint cars, because if I did I wouldn't need a book telling me how to do it! But really the book is to teach me how to paint with auto paints using my nifty new spray gun Randy got me. (He got it for me becuase I am painting his royal guard helmet with it) I am pretty happy with this book and it seems really informative.

I was bored today so I went and saw another new movie. This one has been out for a little more then a week. But in case you haven't seen it yet read on.

Licensce to Wed: I tried to call Greg and find out if this movie was any good or not before seeing it but he didn't answer his phone so I went in only with the reviews that I could find online. Needless to say I didn't have high hopes for this one after reading some of these reviews. I was very plesently supprised. The movie was actually quite funny. The trailers do give quite a bit of it away both plot-wise and most of the jokes are in the trailers too. But none the less it was funny. And apparently most of the theater I was in thought the same as well as there were parts that I couldn't hear the dialog because people were laughing so loud. The movie's plot is pretty weak, and it wasn't hard to figure out what was going to happen. Mandy Moore did a so so job, but she looked good most of the movie so that is what's really important. Robin Williams has jumped the shark I think. The main male star was the saving grace for the movie. His responses to most of the shit that happend to him are what got most of the laughs. While it wasn't the funniest movie I have seen I enjoyed it enough to not be bored with it. You can almost deffinatally wait until DVD or it's on the pay movie chanels if you have those. All in all: B-

Have you gone and seen Transformers in theaters yet? No ? WHY THE HELL NOT? If you wait much longer they will take it out of the big theaters with the larger screens and better sound and put it into the shit theaters (you know all theaters have those) and you will miss out. GO NOW! Trust me you will thank me after words. If you don't I will give you your money back....

Ok no I won't give you your money back but if you don't like it something is wrong with you and you need to punch your self in the groin. If you can't do it your self ask me and I will do it for you.

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