Sunday, July 29, 2007

I quit...

So I got tired of going to that new job. I really hated it. So I quit, Friday night. No I don't have a new job yet, no I don't care. I just couldn't stand going to that one anymore. So no more for me. I am still hopeing to hear from Sea World and if I do I will be happy. I also put in some applications to a couple of other places and perhaps I will hear from some of them.

Now Saturday was a monument to inactivity for me. I managed to sleep for the entire day, and I do mean all of it. I went to sleep around eight in the morning and I woke up at four in the morning on Sunday! Holy crap that felt good!

I did go see The Simpsons Movie on Friday. But I will have more about that later. I still haven't seen I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry yet but I will. Probally today.

One thing I think I forgot to mention on here is that last Saturday I went out to dinner with Randy and Angie (they drove from out of town just to come have dinner with me!). We went to Kobe Steakhouse (it's one of those Japanese places where they cook at your table) and I love that place. Afterwords we went to Dunkin Doughnuts/Baskin Robins for ice cream. While we were sitting in there a group of four twenty-something year olds came and sat at the table next to us. One of them at one point got up and went outside to his car. When he came back in he had one of the Don Post Boba Fett helmets in his hand. He handed it to me and said he thought I might want it more then he did (he saw my Boba Fett t-shirt I was wearing). He just gave me that helmet. Now of course I have two helmets alreday that are way better then this DP ever could be but I wasn't going to turn it down. Hell part of me thought to paint it and then sell it on E-bay for a fat cunck of change. Later when I went to the retard zoon looking for Transformers toys a dude comes walking out of the toy isle with an arm load of them. I noticed he was carrying one of the ones I acually wanted (08 body style bumblebee) and he asked if I was looking to Transformers toys, to which I responded that I was looking for what he was carrying in his arms. He asked which one (at this point I noticed he had like five of the bumblebees as well as several others) and I told him. He looked at his arm load and handed me on of the bumblebees. He also pointed me to one of the other ones I was looking for (bonecrusher). I thanked him and he went on his way. Now I am sure he is one of those guys that goes in and hoards all of the hard to find figures then sells them on e-bay for a high price. But it was really cool of him to just hand me one of the harder to find figures. It's not something you see everyday. So I went home and posted on TDH about these two random acts of kindness. Just becuase I wanted to share them. Eric mentioned that I should give him the DP helmet becuase he wanted it. I told him no since he alreday had a DP helmet and a brand new Boba Maker helmet and didn't need it. But it made me think, I don't really need it either... So I decided that i was going to give it away. Since some random stranger was nice enough to give it to me, I decided I would do the same thing, give it away to someone who would enjoy it more then me. So I started a thread on TDH saying I would give it to anyone who really needed it. I also decided that I would custom paint it for who ever wins it how ever they want, for free. Since the helmet had just been given to me I wanted to add something that I could give into the pot. Well this inspired a couple of other people to do the same thing, one guy tossed in a full painted set of armor on a vest, another threw in a painted rocketpack, and one more tossed in a set of metal guantlet darts! All to whom ever I choose wins it. No one is asking for anything in return (except that the winner pays shipping). I really thought this was a nice thing to do and I hope the new owner really enjoys this stuff.

On to other things now. Thursday I said I was going to Eric's house to paint Randy's royal guard helmet with my new spray gun. Well I did, but man everything that could have gone wrong did. First for some reason my compressor died (it's brand new mind you), thankfully Eric's dad had a big nice one I could use. Then the regulator for the paint gun stripped out and fell off. That was a bigger problem... I managed to get it to stay on long enough to paint the helmet, sort of. While painting it, the helmet started to fall over, and I didn't want it to fall and smash into a million little peices so I reached for it...with the hand with the metal paint gun in it... and chipped the helmet. Then when I finished the helmet, I was going to run paint thinner though it to clean it but the regulator fell off and wouldn't go back on so I could only get a little bit of thinner though it. Needless to say it didn't go nearly as well as I was hopeing. Now I have to fill the chip with bondo, sand then entire surface and then re-primer it. So all I really did was waste time, paint, and money. GOOD TIMES! I went out and picked up a couple of new regulators for the gun, both of them were really cheap (thank god for harbor freight!) and a stand to hold the gun when I am not using it and to fill it. So hopefully I will not have the same damn problem again.

I did get the Jango armor finished and it will be shipped out today. I got started on the rocket pack, but have hit a snag since I can't find the light blue paint for it. So I am not real sure what I am going to do with it now.

I really think I am going to go see Chuck and Larry today...probally.

Now review time!
The Simpsons Movie: I will warn you, I have not seen the later seasons of the Simpsons, and I don't really like the first couple of seasons. But I am a fan of the middle seasons (and I would probally like the new seasons but I don't have TV so I don't know). I was a bit dissapointed with this movie. It had a couple of quick laughs though out the entire movie, but I was really expecting more. The plot is really weak, but I wasn't expecting much. It had some decent sight gags, and the Tom Hanks cameo is great. But I was just expecting it to be a lot funnier. I mean really they have had like eightteen years to get this right, and it let me down. They did show Bart's wang, and I could have done without that. Marge curses, Maggie speaks, and Homer puts a silo of pig shit into a lake. Stay though the credits, all of them. But I do think some of the credits were a joke if you actually read them, there was a Japanese section that all of the names sounded like jokes. I could be wrong and just made a terrible raciest comment but I am pretty sure they were really jokes. All in all: B-

DVD review:

Cars: First let me say that I love Pixar movies. I really love them. But this one I think is the weakest of their movies so far. While it was good, and better then a lot of other movies I have seen, it wasn't great. I was really expceting this one to be incredible (some pun intended!) but it just wasn't. It had good moments but it was a pretty big let down. The credits had some of the most funny stuff in it. (espcially the part with the big truck mentioning that Pixar uses the same voice in all of their movies....his! It's the guy who did the voice of the piggy bank in Toy Story, and used to be on Cheers) I am pretty glad I waited for DVD on this one. All in all: C+

Masters of Horror: Ciggarette Burns: I will of course mention that I am a big horror fan, and anyone who has been to my condo can tell you that. I have a life sized Jason Voorhees statue in my living room (not a cardboard cutout thing but a real maniquin). I built my own Freddy glove, I have all of the Sideshow toys Jason figures. I used to have Freddy mask, and still techinally own one but it is at a guys house to be repainted and it has been there for two plus years....anyway I am getting sidetracked. This flick was done by John Carpenter (Halloween, Christine, The Fog, The Thing etc.) and is about a guy who goes in search of a rare film that makes who ever sees it go mad and kill people. As the main character gets closer to finding it he sees ciggarette burns and then flashes of bad things. It was decent, but not so much as a horror movie, more as a suspense/thriller. I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing more from this series. They have a bunch of these short films (each one is only an hour) all done by great horror directors. All in all: B

Well kids that is all for now. I will post here reviews of what ever film I end up seeing today.

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