Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So as of 11pm tonight I am offically on vacation. I have been mentally checked out of work for like two days but now it's offical. In twenty-four hours I will be packing my truck to get on the road. I am actually pretty tired right now, so I am going to try to get some sleep. I have a handfull of things to get done tomorrow so I plan to get those things done and then take a nap then get up and get packing for the road. I am offically just excited!

It's 5am...why the hell am I still awake???

So as the title says, it's five am... and I am still awake! What the fuck? I can tell I am tired, and I have to be at work seven hours but yet here I am sitting in my bed, typing on my damn computer not sleeping. I want to sleep, I even put a solid effort into sleeping but alas awake I sit. Perhaps it is the nervous excitment of the impending convention that looms. Or the fact that I am pretty sure I am at least a couple of hundered dollars short of what would be a called a reasonable budget for such a trek. Maybe it's just because I ate several hours ago...and then just a few minutes ago. I ate a few minutes ago since I couldn't sleep and I was hungry I figured I might as well eat. I think I might need to get my self some sleeping pills just for such nights as this happens pretty regularly.

Since I am awake I am taking the time to watch Die Hard 2, because I relized a few weeks ago that I have never seen any of these movies except the last two. Something tells me I don't need to watch them in order since I doubt they are really plot thick. Wow you can really tell this was made in the nintys guys just wonder into an airport with guns and enter restricted areas with no problems. The didn't get on planes or anything but still try that shit today and you will be stopped before you pass the skycaps. Also a little old lady had a stun gun in her purse on the plane.

Also on tonight's list of shit I got done, I re-painted my Spartan helmet, not the one I sold but the one I actually plan on wearing. One of the guys on the 300DC boards had a screen used helmet and painted his helmet to look about as close to the real deal as possible. So I asked for some tips, he gave them to me, and I painted the helmet using them. Let me tell you it was one of the worst paint jobs to put on, the whole time it looked like shit. Then when I did the very last step all of a sudden it stopped looking like shit and bam there it was a perfect looking paint job. So a big thanks to Justin from the 300DC boards for that.

I guess that is all I have to say since I should be sleeping anyway...

Monday, August 25, 2008

3 days left....

So Wednesday night is almost upon us, and that means Dragon Con is nearly upon us! So today I went and picked up my holster from the shoe repair store that I took it to to get sewn up. It came out really nice. I know you all know it but I am going to say it any way...those little asians can sew like no one else! They did such a nice job on this holster. I picked it up, brough it home and my blaster fits in it no problem. So with that done, I am 100% done for Dragon Con. I have nothing else to do prop wise between now and then. I still have to go get spray tanned on Wednesday but that is pretty much it.

I found out today that Garry wasn't able to get my white cape done in time. Needless to say I am dissapointed but there really isn't anything I can do about it. He was concerned he couldn't get it up to my standards and he didn't want to just throw it together. I guess I understand that, doesn't mean I am happy about it but oh well. I am certainly not going to let it ruin my trip. I still plan to have a great time. I asked him to bring me the materials and harness for it and I am going to see if one of the 300DC guys can sew it up for me for like Halloween or Megacon.

Well it's almost time to go to work to make that money for DC!

Mark out.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

5 days left....

So as the title says we are down to five days until I will be in Atlanta for Dragon Con. I am starting to calm down about money and what not, I sold my Spartan helmet, I finished the At-AT helmet I was painting and will be paid for it plus I have three other things up for sale and at least one of them might actually sell. I also might have found a fouth roommate for our hotel room which will save us some money.

My workouts are going well, I am down to 151lbs and ten percent body fat and I will probally lose a few more pounds and body fat between now and Friday. Pretty much everything is going well. The only thing I am worried about is my white Spartan cape that Garry is supposed to be doing for me. He keeps telling me that it might not be done, or he hasn't done anything on it. I think if he doesn't get it done I am going to be really, really pissed. After all I got his clone armor done in an amazingly short amount of time, (so short I told him it wasn't possible to get done) in time for the "big" premire for the Clone Wars movie that was so important to him. He has had the cape and fabric and what not since Star Wars weekends and he has had the harness for like a month or so which is plenty of time to make one cape. The problem is I can't quite figure out how to tell him how important it is to me and how upset I am going to be if it isn't done. I mean I don't want to be an ass about it but I really want it done.

So that is it, I am about to go to the gym to run on the treadmil or one of the other cardio things. Mark out.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eight Days and counting....

Welcome back kids. So as I am sure some of you are aware, there are only eight days until Dragon Con. While I am excited I am freaking out, I need to make about a thousdand dollars between now and then, and I just don't see anyway of that happening. Work has been incredibly slow and I haven't really made much money latley. The last two days, I made nothing. I went to work Monday and I was there for two hours doing nothing so I got sent home. Well today the stupid hurricane came and runied any chance of going to work. I did get some work done on some props that needed to be worked on which was nice but only one of them MIGHT make me some money. I haven't been able to sleep worth a shit because I am stressing about about the money. I just have so much to do and so little time to do it. If anyone reading this wants a 300 Spartan helmet or a Clone long rifle e-mail me and we can work out a deal!

I am also cranking hard to lose some extra fat for Dragon Con. I am in decent shape right now and could easily wear my spartan and look fine but of course I could always look better. Well I guess I am going to go work out or something since I won't be sleeping anytime soon.

Mark out.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a peice of junk...

So tonight I went out to Universal to the movie theater there to troop for the new Star Wars Clone Wars movie. I kind of got roped into going because Christine (Dave's wife) really wanted to go but Dave couldn't go and he didn't want her to go alone. I also needed to test fit my stormtrooper armor before Dragon Con. So I went and wore my new stormtrooper armor. Well the trooping was so so, it was pretty boring and we couldn't really go very far as we wern't allowed to leave the inside of the movie theater building. It seemed to last for ever. Then the worst part came, we saw the movie! The new Star Wars Clone Wars movie is total shit! Don't see this movie. Now since I am a huge Star Wars fan I would hope that these words carry some weight, I want the two hours of my life back that this peice of shit stole from me. Had I have paid for this movie I would want my damn money back. The animation is so so, far from good, the acting is terrible, the dialouge is aweful, and the new characters are really annoying, the story sucks, even the new music is bad! I should have figured it out as soon as the movie started and it didn't even have the traditional yellow text crawl that every other Star Wars movie has had, instead it had a cheesy announcer. SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY PEOPLE!!! Just because it had some decent clone action I will give this flick a solid D

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Even more impuslive then the last one...

Ok so like several people predicted I wanted to get another tattoo...and I did. This one I really didn't put much thought into at all. I knew I wasn't really into getting any sort of picture or words or anything like that so I wanted to get another odd symbol. This one just popped into my head and I liked the idea a lot. This one I am just going to post and let you guess what it is.

I got it on the inside of my left bicept. I will give you a hint it is from a sci-fi movie also and in the movie this symbol actually ends up in this exact spot on a guy. The colors are actually brighter in person my cell phone just takes shitty pics. Also it doesn't actually have any black in it, it is all shades of red. I am once again really happy with out this one came out. If I decide to get another I know one thing, I will not put it on my other bicept, this one hurt like hell!

Friday, August 8, 2008

So who's up for impulsive decisions?

So welcome back B's & G's, Mark here. So for quite some time in my life I have wanted a tattoo. I have always been afraid to get one because me and needles don't go well together. I wasn't worried so much about getting the tattoo as I was making a fool of myself and making the artist not want to do the work on me. So one of my co-workers had a friend in town who is a tattoo artist and was over at his house doing tats and on the cheap. So Robby (the co-worker) asked me to come over and get a tat a couple of nights ago. I was all jazzed to go but then at the last minute it got canceled. So last night right as I am about to leave work Robby mentions his friend is over at his place and I should come. Well after a little persuading on his part I went. After sitting around at Robby's place for several hours watching other people get tats it was finally my turn. I got the design I wanted and we got started. I was pretty calm considering I had no idea what I was in for only the horror stories people told me about how much it hurt and bleed and what not. So he gets started doing the outline, and yea it hurts, not terrible but pretty bad. There wasn't any blood though and I was really supprised about that. After about a third of the outline was done I started to feel light headed and dizzy. I knew this was nerves acting up like every time I have to get shots or blood drawn. I asked for a break for a second and went to the bathroom, I had to pee, while I was in there I sat down caught my breath and splashed some cold water on my face and neck. After a minute or so I felt better and went back in to get back to it. I got a glass of water and we went back to it. A few minutes later I needed to get some more water on my face and neck and to drink and I went to the kitchen and did that. I also grabbed a wet paper towl so I wouldn't have to get up again. So from there on the rest of the tat wen't really well. I didn't need any more breaks but I got a couple of short ones anyway while the artist rested or changed needles or what not. All in all it took about fourty five minutes to get it done. So here is the end result.

It is the imperial cog from Star Wars but weathered up a bit. It is on the inside of my right forearm. I am really happy with how it came out. Originally I wanted the white parts above filled in but he did it reversed and I realy like how it came out. So what does every one think? It hurts a bit today but it isn't oozing or bleeding or anything. I know a lot of people say that the first one you get is the bridge to a bunch of other ones but I really can't think of any other tats I would get. The best part about this whole thing, it didn't cost me a dollar! The artist mentioned he had kids and was going to some of the parks and what not. I mentioned I had a bunch of tickets to a bunch of the parks so he and I worked out a deal where I traded him some of my SeaWorld tickets for the tat even trade. I was really happy about that since I am broke as shit.