Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's 5am...why the hell am I still awake???

So as the title says, it's five am... and I am still awake! What the fuck? I can tell I am tired, and I have to be at work seven hours but yet here I am sitting in my bed, typing on my damn computer not sleeping. I want to sleep, I even put a solid effort into sleeping but alas awake I sit. Perhaps it is the nervous excitment of the impending convention that looms. Or the fact that I am pretty sure I am at least a couple of hundered dollars short of what would be a called a reasonable budget for such a trek. Maybe it's just because I ate several hours ago...and then just a few minutes ago. I ate a few minutes ago since I couldn't sleep and I was hungry I figured I might as well eat. I think I might need to get my self some sleeping pills just for such nights as this happens pretty regularly.

Since I am awake I am taking the time to watch Die Hard 2, because I relized a few weeks ago that I have never seen any of these movies except the last two. Something tells me I don't need to watch them in order since I doubt they are really plot thick. Wow you can really tell this was made in the nintys guys just wonder into an airport with guns and enter restricted areas with no problems. The didn't get on planes or anything but still try that shit today and you will be stopped before you pass the skycaps. Also a little old lady had a stun gun in her purse on the plane.

Also on tonight's list of shit I got done, I re-painted my Spartan helmet, not the one I sold but the one I actually plan on wearing. One of the guys on the 300DC boards had a screen used helmet and painted his helmet to look about as close to the real deal as possible. So I asked for some tips, he gave them to me, and I painted the helmet using them. Let me tell you it was one of the worst paint jobs to put on, the whole time it looked like shit. Then when I did the very last step all of a sudden it stopped looking like shit and bam there it was a perfect looking paint job. So a big thanks to Justin from the 300DC boards for that.

I guess that is all I have to say since I should be sleeping anyway...

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