Friday, August 8, 2008

So who's up for impulsive decisions?

So welcome back B's & G's, Mark here. So for quite some time in my life I have wanted a tattoo. I have always been afraid to get one because me and needles don't go well together. I wasn't worried so much about getting the tattoo as I was making a fool of myself and making the artist not want to do the work on me. So one of my co-workers had a friend in town who is a tattoo artist and was over at his house doing tats and on the cheap. So Robby (the co-worker) asked me to come over and get a tat a couple of nights ago. I was all jazzed to go but then at the last minute it got canceled. So last night right as I am about to leave work Robby mentions his friend is over at his place and I should come. Well after a little persuading on his part I went. After sitting around at Robby's place for several hours watching other people get tats it was finally my turn. I got the design I wanted and we got started. I was pretty calm considering I had no idea what I was in for only the horror stories people told me about how much it hurt and bleed and what not. So he gets started doing the outline, and yea it hurts, not terrible but pretty bad. There wasn't any blood though and I was really supprised about that. After about a third of the outline was done I started to feel light headed and dizzy. I knew this was nerves acting up like every time I have to get shots or blood drawn. I asked for a break for a second and went to the bathroom, I had to pee, while I was in there I sat down caught my breath and splashed some cold water on my face and neck. After a minute or so I felt better and went back in to get back to it. I got a glass of water and we went back to it. A few minutes later I needed to get some more water on my face and neck and to drink and I went to the kitchen and did that. I also grabbed a wet paper towl so I wouldn't have to get up again. So from there on the rest of the tat wen't really well. I didn't need any more breaks but I got a couple of short ones anyway while the artist rested or changed needles or what not. All in all it took about fourty five minutes to get it done. So here is the end result.

It is the imperial cog from Star Wars but weathered up a bit. It is on the inside of my right forearm. I am really happy with how it came out. Originally I wanted the white parts above filled in but he did it reversed and I realy like how it came out. So what does every one think? It hurts a bit today but it isn't oozing or bleeding or anything. I know a lot of people say that the first one you get is the bridge to a bunch of other ones but I really can't think of any other tats I would get. The best part about this whole thing, it didn't cost me a dollar! The artist mentioned he had kids and was going to some of the parks and what not. I mentioned I had a bunch of tickets to a bunch of the parks so he and I worked out a deal where I traded him some of my SeaWorld tickets for the tat even trade. I was really happy about that since I am broke as shit.


Anonymous said...

It kind of looks like a industrial butthole. Maybe one you would find on a robot like Bender from futurama. Yes i am sure of it. thats what Benders butthole looks like.

Anonymous said...

Thats cool Matthews, I have the same one.

Mark son of Milton said...

You have the same tat I have? How is that even possible? Mine was made up on the spot. I want to see that.