Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ahh I did nothing today!

So today I needed to go to the post office and mail out some material for my Fett jumpsuit, a set of Fett chest lights I sold, and my entry forms for the Star Wars C4 costume contests. Did I do those things you ask? NOPE! Damn it. I ment to, but alas sleep won again. If you are waiting on a set of chest lights from me I swear I will get them out by the end of the week, I am going to try to get them out tomorrow but I don't know where the post office is down in West Palm. Oh I am driving to West Palm tomorrow to get my new car looked at (the check engine light is on). But it affords me a chance to watch TV all day long, look at porn on the internet (something I can't relly do at work) and sleep in a bed that I don't like in a house that is twenty degrees hotter then it should be. But I do have a psudeo-date tomorrow. While I am home my friend from high school Julie, who I have had a thing for since I met her, is coming over and I am making her dinner. I am sure it won't go anywhere since I am sure she still has nearly no interest in me like that. But at least I will enjoy the company for a while. I don't know what I am making her yet as she hasn't sent me an answer to my menu choices I gave her.

Did you know that you can buy porn on Ebay? Yep you totally can, you have to know how to look for it but it is there. The only thing that worries me about it is that none of the sellers (at least none I have seen) take Paypal, all want money orders or checks. This concerns me, not that Paypal ever actually gets you your money back if you get hosed but at least they say that they do.

So yesterday I made mention of a McDonalds rant, and while I did have them for dinner tonight and they managed to only mildly irritate me tonight I will do it up. So....

[pre-rant] All right now as most of you now know I eat McDonalds about three to four times a week. This is not because I love McDonalds, nor because they have great food, or their fantastic service, but because I can eat there for three dollars and nineteen cents. Man I can't buy grocerys to cook a meal for less then that. Many ask "well why don't you change it up and eat some where else once in a while?" well my answer to that is: "I would love to, but nothing is open at eleven pm and near my work." Which is a lie by the way, while the part about nothing being open is true I know that even if there was there is still a solid chance I would eat there every day just because I don't like change. When I used to work at the Marriott I ate at Subway everyday, and no I did not loose two hundred pounds like that gay dude on TV. I have had problems with McDonalds ever since I moved to Orlando for school. But I am getting sidetracked from my rant and that just won't stand. So back to the point. [/pre-rant]

[rant] Ok so my promlems begin in College back in two thousand one or so. Prior to this time I had never really had any major problems with McD's. But there was a McDonalds right next to my school, they were walking distance, even for my lazy ass, and they were open twenty-four hours a day. Now down in West Palm every McDonalds is the same, they all have the same menus, same prices, everything. When I moved to Orlando this was the first time "prices at particapting locations only" actually meant something. Some how the store right next to school was twice the price as the one that was a five minute drive away. The one that was further was only open until ten at night also. But they had thrity-nine cent hamburgers every day and fourty-nice cent cheese burgers, man that was the best deal in town. (Mind you down in WPB Wednesdays they had twenty-nine cent hamburgers and Sundays they had thrity-nine cent cheeseburgers) But back to the problems. The store next to school was a constant problem, no matter what you ordered it was never right. I could never under stand this, why when I order a cheese burger with no onions do I get a cheese burger covered in onions but with no pickles? Where is the breakdown happening? Is it with the rocket scientist that takes my order? Does he/she/it not know how to read english (or at all?) and can't tell which button says pickles and which says onion? Or is their finger so damn fat that they are just smashing what ever button that mutant finger hits? Or is the problem with the fuck-tard that works in the back making the burgers? Does he/she/it not know how to read? Or is it so incompitent that it doens't know the difference between pickels and onions? I just can't wrap my mind around how this happens. I mean if they can't build a simple chesse burger correctally what happens when it is time to make the new burger of the month that McDonalds makes?? I relly feel for those of you who are ordering those sandwiches, it must really be like russian rullette for you guys. Now I understand late at night when I go there that they don't have the "A" team on but come on I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid. Ok so that is problem number one. Problem number two actually came to a specific iccident at the store next to my school. One night a couple of us walked over on a break between classes around midnight or so. The store was running a special on quarter pounders two for two dollars. Well since their normal cheese burgers were a dollar also I thought this was a good deal (since I usually hate those damn burgers). So I got a couple of them. This is when the fun begins. I get my burgers take them over to the table and sit down, sitting across the table from me is my friend Brett, and I really feel bad for him on this one, but I open the wrapping on my "burger" and out in every direction shoots hot grease. A massive blob hits Brett square in the face and chest. Some gets on me and some gets on everyone else's trays. So I take both "burgers" back up to the counter, and the manager is the one behind the counter (he also took the order and was really rude) and I say to him, "my burgers seeem to be coated in some sort of a goo" he looks at me like I just said his children were ugly and kicked one of them (which they probally are since this guy looks like the elephant man and Morgan Freeman made a baby and that mutant acne ridden child grew up to work at McDonalds) his response, and I will die remembering this, was "It's just grease!". HA! This is the manager remind you. I reply in as calm of a tone as I can muster at this point "Yes and that is the problem, can you possibly find me a couple that aren't soaking though the outter paper?" He lets out a irrated sigh and says "I will try." He comes back with a couple of burgers that aren't quiet as bad but still gross. Now fast forward a couple years to now. The McDonalds that is near my work is so-so but again it is the only thing near-by that I eat and is open. Their sign says that their drive through is open twenty four hours, their lobby is open until one am, and they serve a full menu until midnight. Remeber all of that as it will come in in a minute. Now I order the same thing every time I go there, I get two regular cheese burgers, light on the onions, and a small fries. Now at the McDonalds regular cheese burgers are ninty nine cents, and double cheese burgers are on the dollar menu. Now I don't get double cheese burgers because I don't like the meat/bun/condiment ratio of that burger. Now when ever I order and someone new is taking my order they damn near insist that I order double cheese burgers, as though they believe that just because they can't read that clearly I can't either and I don't know that I am paying only a penny less to have an entire burger less. This annoys the shit out of me. Also when I pull around and it takes you twenty minutes to make my food, don't subsitute my regualr burgers for doubles, they are a penny more don't you think if I wanted those I would have order them? I think for two pennys I can splurge a little if I want to. That is not an upgrade. If you want to give me something free give me a damn soda, or a shake, or even bigger fries, or a fucking McFlurry for free. Those are all upgrades. But, and this is where the hours you were supposed to remember come in to play, the thing that bothers me the most about this store is their total lack of time. At least once a week if not more, I pull in at eleven and the lobby is closed, now why you ask if I go through the drive though do I can if the lobby is open? Well if the lobby is closed then all those people that would have gone in are all of a sudden in the god damn drive through making it longer! Also about two-three times a month at eleven they aren't serving their full menu but have switched to their late night menu, which is the biggest rip off I have ever seen. Their late night menu does not include anything that is made with the standard burger patty, only things made with the quarter pound patty. And if you remember I hate that burger. Oh and rember me saying that I now order my burgers with lite onions? Well let me tell you, that must actually make someone's head explode every night. It seems that no two people, or even the same person twice, has the same deffination of "lite". Some nights I get a burger with no onions, some nights tons of onions. About once every two weeks someone does what I call light, which is about half of the amount they normally put on there. Now every night when I say light onions that also apparently means either no pickles or light pickles also. Because I can't seem to get a burger with the correct amount of pickles (two) and light onions, I can have light onions and one pickle or no pickles, or two pickles and tons of onions. I actually got so mad the other night because they had closed their dining room, went to the late night menu, and screwed up my order all in one shot that I actually wrote a nasty letter to the corproate offices. By the way you know what their answer is? Sorry, here is some free food to make up for it. IT'S YOUR FOOD THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!!!

Now just so we know some of this same shit applys to Taco Bell and other fast food places as well but McDonalds is the one that is most consistantly bad.

Oh just so my avid readers know I enabled comments on here so anyone can comment with out having to sign up on this site. So make comments if you would like to. Remember if you want to insult me I can also delete comments.

Oh and Eric isn't a recaster, he is gay but not a recaster that was a joke.

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