Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Man I should have eaten tonight...

So here we are again, in only a day I already have fans, man that is sweet. So to my new avid readers good evening and welcome back. Tonight is a so so night for me, I got plenty of sleep today and even had some of my favoirte pizza (more on this in a bit) but I was running late for work so I couldn't stop and get food on my way in. So I am quite hungry and the ten peanuts I found in the back office really aren't holding me over. Today when on my way home from work I decided to stop at everyone's favorite breeding ground of stupidity and hepititus, Wal-Mart. I had to stop there because I needed a random mix of things, windshied wipers for my new car (I will explain why I have a new car later too), a bike chain, some wiring harnesses, cat litter, milk, laundry detergent, and I picked up the new Star Wars Insider. And since most grocery stores don't carry all of these things Wally World was the only place I had left, espically since it was seven thirity in the morning. But on to the point of this, I am amazed that some of the people that walk this earth have managed to live to what ever age they are at. I mean it's not like they were really smart yesterday and today they woke up a fucking moron, they worked at it for years. Even at such an early hour the fuck-tards were out, and trust me I don't even think about going to that sespool durning the day time. I was leaving the store and pushing my cart when the absoulte genius and his soon to be pregnant (I assume since stupid people seem to forget how NOT to get this way) girlfriend walk right toward my cart, as though they expect me to move out of their way, well needless to say there was a bit of an accident. I just looked away from them as they approached and then collided with the male, who seemed stunned that this happend, not really mad just shocked. I looked at him funny and then walked on, not saying a word to him. His breeder looked at him and laughed and they walked on. This is what I am talking about, say I was in the parking lot in my car, these are the same type of ass-bags that walk out in front of cars expecting you to stop for them or swerve to avoid them, HOW HAVE THEY LIVED THIS LONG?? What made me think of this by the way is I said I bought new laundry detergent, well I bought a new brand and scent and it lingers on my clothing making them smell nice for hours on end and I can smell my undershirt right now, and I like it. It may also be the cause for the mild headache I have but that could just be because I have only had a single can of the Dew today...

So after the expedition to the retard zoo I went home and tried to stay awake becuase I needed to go to the bank and post office. Did that happen? NOPE! I was asleep in under ten minutes. But I did set my alarm to wake me up at three so I could still make it to the bank prior to them closing, and I did. (That ususally doesn't happen, usually the alarm goes off and I turn it off and go back to sleep) But did I get restfull good sleep? Of course not, I left my phone out in the living room just so it wouldn't wake me up (that and I forgot where it was when I layed down) That damn thing went off several times, god knows who it was, well ok I now know who it was since I looked at the caller ID, but that is neither here nor there. **see side rant about caller below** So I got up, went to the banks, cashed my paycheck, deposited the cash into my account and then drove back. On the way home I got hungry so I stopped at my favorite pizza place here in Orlando, a place called NYPD (New York Pizza Dept.) they serve, wait for it, New York style pizza and it is actually quite good. They have a slice called the "Oneeota (spelling?)" basically it is a cheese slice that they serve hot but right before they give it to you the cover it in cold cheese, it is a little slice of heaven on earth right there. I had couple along with some garlic knots and enjoyed every minute of it. Went home and actually did some house work, I cleaned my carpet where the dog felt it nessicary to piss all over. Man I am glad I didn't have to pay for this carpet cleaning machine, I stole it from my parents. I am glad because it didn't do SHIT! Then I went back to sleep.

Last night while here at work I was talking to a guy from TDH about just random shit and I was reading a thread on the RPF about a test some guy took, and it made me think of Family Guy, the episode where Peter finds out he is retarded. When Peter goes to take the test instead of a calculator he has one of those things kids have with the handle that you pull and it spins and then points at an animal and says things like "the cow says MOOOOO" and he is filling in the answers accordingly. But that got me to thinking, why do we teach kids that? How is that important in life? I mean where is the test that has a picture of a cow and asks what does this animal say? Does it happen much later in life, like close to death? Couldn't we be teaching kids more important things like math or english? It's not like if I was in nature and saw a cow knowing that it said moo would help me in anyway. I guess if I was looking at a cow and it said quack or something and I didn't know it was supposed to say moo it would be strange. Just like the alpabet, why does it matter what order they go in? I mean if I could remember all the letters but not in any order would that matter? I think when I have kids I am going to try to teach them the alpahbet in a random order, and change it everytime. Yea it will be harder I am sure, and then they won't know the song when the kids in school sing it (they still do that yes?) but he will be smarter I think. I will teach him that and that pimping aint easy. Mom will do the rest.

So last night I promised to talk about my coworker that I hate, and I didn't. Sorry, I know several people were looking forward to that, well tonight is the night. Just not right now.

So I mentioned I would rant a bit on the caller and so I will, and that I will do.....NOW! Ok so I get calls from some random eight hundred number. I don't know what they want, I assume money. You know why I don't know what they want? Because everytime I actually answer the phone or they leave a message it isn't a person on the line, it is a recording telling me to call them. Why the hell do you call me only to tell me to call you??? If you are going to waste my time calling me at least have the decency to have someone to talk to on the fucking phone when I answer. I don't want to pick up the phone and be told by a recording to hold either. That one drives me nuts, YOU call ME and then put me on hold before someone ever actually talks to me? Not if you want money from me you don't! **end rant**

Ok now I have teased you about it for two days (three posts!) and any more teaseing and I will have to start dating you. So on with my coworker non-sense:

So at my night job, which is my acutal full-time job by the way, I have two coworkers. A guy named Jeff, who was here when I started, knows what he is doing, smart, quite, and gets the job done every day. And then there is Elena, she started in September, she is a moron, every day seems to be her first day, she talks to her self...all the time for eight hours, and she has to ask how to do her job everyday. She also can't seem to do the same job Jeff does in twice the time he does it in. Example: On the days that I work I come in at eleven, on the days Elena comes in she comes in at eleven, Jeff always comes in at one am. Now on the days I am here Elena and Jeff do the same job (on the days that there are just two of us here not all three) I do the same job every day no matter who else is here. Jeff comes in at one and gets his job done by six-six thrity. Elena comes in at eleven, does the same job as Jeff, and some how is scrambling to get it done by seven, some days she stays late to finnish it. Now I do like to talk to people, and I am a bit long winded at times (as you can clearly see from this five page post!) but at night at work I like to sit and just do my thing and not be bothered, I could really do this job alone as long as the other half of it got done. Jeff is the same way, when he and I work together we have less then five minutes of talk all night in a six hour shift from when he gets in until I leave. It's not that I don't like Jeff, it's just I have things to do and so does he. But some how when she is here I hear her all damn night long, she talks to her self, she can't seem to do her work with out doing so. It's like she has no inner monolouge, thoughts come into her mind and out her mouth all at the same time. And while I learnd five months ago how to tune the sound of her voice out she has a bad tendancy of talking to her self, and with out missing a beat or chaning her tone, pitch or volume, all of a sudden be talking to me. Then when I ignore her (most of the time because I didn't even know she was talking to me) she complains to our manager that I ignore her questions and I am not helpful. And while I am on the subject of questions, some how every night is her first night, and I mean that ever night she has to ask me a dozen or so questions about how to do her job, most of them are the same questions she asked the night prior. When she was new I just chalked that up to learning a little slower then I did, but now, eight months later there is no longer an excuse. I stopped knowing the answers to her questions about two months ago, and I mean that she askes me shit and even if I do know I say I don't so she learns not to ask me shit anymore. I really feel bad for Jeff, since she knows he knows how to do pretty much anything this job needs done. I have asked him and he said it is pretty much non-stop all night long. Oh and I forgot to mention that she speaks with a heavy accent, and I often have a hard time understanding what the hell she is saying. Well I think that is all on her for now, I am sure she will piss me off later and I will talk more about it

Also I think that is it for thie night, at least until the morning if I get bored again. Also my friend Eric is demanding that I write something about him in here, so I think he might be gay, his name is Oldtimer on most boards including TDH, RPF and FL501st.com. Actually I am pretty sure he is gay, and a recaster don't sell him anything.

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