Friday, April 27, 2007

Back in Orlando....

So I am back in Orlando, back at work, and back on here wasting time. I drove down to West Palm Wednesday morning. I left work early with the plans to go home and get on the road early (four thirty am early!) but instead I went home, put some clothes in the dryer, and read a bit waiting for the dryer to finnish, I then feel asleep. I wanted to sleep until like seven thirty-eight am...but of course that shit didn't happen as my damn phone started ringing at seven am. So I ended up sleeping until nearly nine. By the time I got on the road it was ten thirty. But never the less I got down to WPB by twelve thrity and met my Dad for lunch and to drop my truck off at the place we got it to fix the problem it was having (the whole point of the drive down there). Dad and I went to one of my favorite food places down there, John Smith Subs, they make steak subs that are awesome. The problem with them is they are stupidly expensive. For the two of us it was a twenty dollar meal! It's just two subs, two small drinks, and a large fries. While we were waiting for the subs to be cooked I wondered over to the hobby store that is right next door to the sub place since I knew they had a good selection of paints. I picked up two bottles of paint for my Fett helmet. I dropped Dad back off at his work and went to the store to pick up what I needed to make dinner that night. I went back home and tried to take a nap, in vain, instead I watched a bit of TV, I flipped between a show about future cars and a skateboarding competiton. At five I picked up Dad from work and we went home. I started preparing dinner. Of course right about the time I was going to put the food in the oven to cook I get a call from the girl who is coming over saying she is going to be late, so I turn the oven off and wait for her to call me and say she is on her way before I start it again. She ends up being about a half an hour late, which was no big deal. I cook dinner, and invite my Dad to join us, she shows up we all eat, and then she and I sit out on the patio talking until half past midnight. It was really nice to see her again since I hadn't seen her in like five or six years. She put on a little bit of weight, but she is still a good looking girl, and everyone puts on weight in college. Plus with the amount of stress it sounds like she has had lately I am supprised she wasn't Jabba the Hutt fat. As I predicited nothing happened between the two of us, though she did seem more responsive to me then just your average person, in that she likes me way. But I doubt anything will happen since she lives three hours from me and is nearly impossible to get ahold of. Regardless I had a really nice time. I went to sleep around one thirity am. I stayed up a while watching old epsiodes of American Gladiators. Man I used to love that show, and you know what? It is still just as awesome! Why don't we have games shows like that anymore? Man on that show even if you won you still lost, cause you spent the last hour having your ass handed to you by three hundred pound body builders! Today's game shows suck, look at this peice of shit show "Deal or no Deal" if you get on the show you win. You can't possibly lose on that show, at the least you are walking away with a dollar, and that is more then you walked in with. It's not even like you are working for your money or answering trivia questions or anything it's totaly bull shit! I hate that show... Comedy Central does have one I like though, called "Distraction" it's a triva game but they screw with you while you are answering the questions, like they make you a wrestling dummy for a guy while you have to answer questions he is body slamming you. Or you are sitting on the toliette in front of everyone and to buzz in to answer the questions you have to pee! And after all this at the end you win three cool prizes, but you have to answer three more questions fast or they destroy your prizes, and I really mean destroy, not you don't get them so sorry, no they smash them with a wrecking ball or some shit. That is funny to watch a guy or girl get so far and beat everyone else and then lose all three of their prizes because they couldn't answer three simple questions. But back on topic, today I got up at eight to go get my car, they fixed the problem (I don't know what it was, but the check engine light was on, they replaced some part that cost them two hundered dollars and not the light isn't on anymore) and I went back home and went to sleep. Once again my damn phone rang like four times while I was trying to sleep, so I ended up sleeping much later then I really wanted to. I got up at like tweleve thirity. I was going to meet Greg but he decided he was a vagina and wanted to stay home. So I went to my favorite resaraunt on the planet (which is only down south DAMN IT!) a place called C.R. Chicks. It is a clever name since they cook chicken and they do so on a rotisserry (spelling?) in the front window so you can actually C (see) their Chicks (get it??) ALSO they employ young attractive girls to work the counter at the place (usually sometimes they are ugg-o's) so you can see their chicks in that way too. Now because I am a smart sort of guy you think I order one order of the stuff I like? Hell no, I ordered a catering tray of the shit for ten people! That way I can enjoy that stuff for a full week or more. Sure it was expensive but that stuff is a big slice of heaven in pasta and chicken form. I am sure there are more important things in life to spend sixty three dollars on but I can't think of any. (remind me of that when I am bitching later that I am worried about money for CIV)

Tonight at work as just been fucking nuts. From the moment I walked in tonight it has been one thing after another all damn night. I have had check-ins from eleven all the way till four! Who checks in at four am? At one point the other guy who was here until one dissapeared for like thrity minutes and I have no idea where the hell he went. The phones were ringing off the hook and I had three people in front of me all at once. I hate busy nights like that. That is why I stopped working days, to get away from that kind of shit. I have had a headache all night from not being able to drink enough Dew (damn caffeine). Here in just a few minutes I have to start giving wake up calls, I think I have about fifty all before seven (when the next shift comes in and I can dump that shit on them). I was so busy I had to shut down my damn IM session when I got here cause people kept talking to me and I couldn't answer them.

Master Replicas released pics of their new stormtrooper helmte, I have been waiting months for this thing, and I must say the pics are pretty dissapointing. I think I am going to put one on order and then hopefully they will have one at CIV and I can look at it in person and then if I still don't like it I will cancel my order.

I am really tired tonight, and I want to go home, but I can't...

Oh they hired a replacement for Jeff, she starts Monday. I hope she isn't retarted like the other moron I work with.

That's it tonight, since I have so much I have to do I really don't have much more time to BS on here. Plus I don't have much more to say. Sorry this one wasn't as amusing as some of my other ones. I guess I just wasn't that angry tonight. Perhaps I will rant about some driving issues later or tomorrow. Oh and tomorrow I work my other job so I am sure I will be able to rant about my retarted coworkers at that job. So adios.

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