Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Just a quick one to hold you over

So I got too hungry to wait any longer, and I left work and went to McDonalds and came back. Now I could rant for hours or at least ten minutes about McDonalds but I will save that for later, maybe tomorrow maybe some other day.

I did want to share another comic that I love. It is called Get Fuzzy, and it is printed in many newspapers, but since I don't read the news (nor watch it on TV as I hate that f'in show, it's almost never funny) I am not going to buy a paper just to read one comic, but it is online and I read it everyday. I was also turned onto this one by someone on TDH some time ago (years I think) because it made a referance to Boba Fett, calling a chicken, or maybe the cat (I don't remember and it was way to long ago to look it up) Boba Fat. I laughed so I read some more, and now I read it every day, I even get it sent to my e-mail, just so I can not look at the e-mail, be annoyed with it, and delete it. So since todays was pretty funny I thought I would share it with you, feel free to read the rest of the series.

Oh I forgot I also said I would tell you why I got a new car, well I got in an accident and totalled my old one. I am fine more or less. I will go more in depth on this one later but that is the short story.

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