Monday, April 23, 2007

Welcome, leave stupidity at the door.

HELLO, and welcome to Mark's first of many blog posts. Yes I have fell victim to the dredded blog craze. Why you ask? Well because I feel it important that my ideas are shared amoung people whom I have never met or people who I barley talk to, as though this will help them better understand me. In reality this will make you a much more cincical person and if all goes as planned you will walk away with a bit more sense then when you came here.... that and hate pretty much everyone. I came here by the way (see note below) because I refuse to use the anti-christ of websites that every teenie bopper and pedofile use (also known as Myspace). I will update this with pics of god knows what as time progress, but for now enjoy my simple typing. Oh and now and in the future, I am sure I will have typos, misspellings, and all around bad english, I don't care. Yes I am now aware there is a spell check button at the top of the post box, again I don't care. I will do my best to spell things the way they are ment to be spelled, if it happens then great, if it doens't well too damn bad.

So you ask (as if they above post wasn't clear enough) what exctally will the tone of this blog be? Well mainly it will be me ranting about shit that annoys me on a day to day basis. It will also consist of shit that comes in my head late at night when I am at work and not working. Since I hate one of my coworkers (I will discuss her at length later) I tend to sit in silence ignoring her and trying to entertain my self on the internet. Which by the way I have found that with all the porn and tastelss stuff blocked by my work, there really isn't much to do on the interent. I have acutally reached the end of the wholesome internet several times.

I will make another update shortly, right now I have some actual work to do and I really need to take a massive dump.

At no point will I be using any of the stupid IM lingo, i.e. LOl, BTW, ROTFL etc. All of this is non-sense and it drives me crazy. I hate most people who use this shit and I want to kill many of them.

By now you may have noticed that I swear from time to time, I guess I could have put this warning at the top but then where would the fun in that be? If you don't like it FUCK OFF.

1 comment:

Aurec said...
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