Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another day another fist full of money.

Welcome back faithful readers, and new readers (I hope) alike. I am not sure why I care if people are reading this or not I guess it just strokes my ego to know that people are interested in what I have to say enough to read my long ass ramblings every day. So I don't remember if I mentioned prior to this what I do for a living or not, and since I am too lazy to go back and read all that shit I will assume I didn't and just type it again.

I work two jobs, one is a fourty hour a week five day, eight hour sort of deal. That is the hotel job that is overnights (where I get all the free time to type all these long blog posts) the other is at a golf club bar/grill. I work as a bartender/waiter. I work about twenty hours a week (four days) there. The money is decent and it usually isn't hard work. Also until a few days ago my best friend was my boss, but he has left the place and now I have a real boss, and that sucks anus. But most of the time I work alone at this job and that is great, since I hate people. But on Friday nights I work with a tiny little annoyance of a person named Tacy. Now Tacy is also a moron, similar to the way that Elena is a moron but also different. Tacy is also a bitch, and that kids is a bod combination, you can't be stupid and a bitch why will anyone like you? Why you ask? Well be cause she has big boobs. I can only assume that is the reason why any one talks to her, she is short, blond, big boobed and mildly good looking, not like really hot but not an ugg-o. But I don't really find her attractive at all, and on top of that she is a retard and a bitch and that is the double wammy deal breaker for me. Some how this one has been working at this bar, tending bar and making drinks since like september or October and yes she still can't make any drink that involves more then one liquor or ingredients that aren't pre-made. Like she can make a bloddy mary, but only as long as we have the bloddy mary mix. She can make a grey goose on the rocks because it is just vodka and ice. She can even go so far as to make a vodka tonic or seven and seven. But god forbid you wanted something like a martini, not that a martini is hard to make but she has to put three things into the shaker and shake and then pour, clearly that requires years of bartending experience. And forget something like a margherita since we don't have a premade mix for that we make them from scratch, you just won't get one. Now I am not saying I am the worlds best bartender, hell I know I am not, and to help both myself and everyone else I went out and bought one of those "Bartender's black book" it is a book that contains recipies for about every single drink you can imagine and how to make them. Yet still she can't make anything that requires even a little bit of work. Oh and she can't open bottles of wine, again this is not a ancient skill passed down by ninja masters only to those of us lucky enough to be chosen by the elders, it is a simple task that damn near anyone can do. You know what it boils down to? She is a lazy bitch and she has learned that she doesn't have to learn to do anything becuase she can either have someone else do it for her or just not offer those things and no one will care. I hate her. So how do I exact my revenge? On Friday nights when we work together I leave at nine pm sharp. Regardless of what is going on or how busy we are, leaving her there alone. Why you ask? Well I have to go home and get ready for my other job. But I of course still make her split tips with me fifty/fifty. And I make someone else who is there with her watch and make sure I am getting my fair cut. So after I leave she is stuck there to do all the cleaning and what not all by her self, and you know who is punishes if she doesn't do it? HER SELF! She opens the next day every week so anything she doesn't do screws her in morning. I love it. Now I will say, none of my other co-workers at the bar can make a drink to save their life either but at least the others ask me to show them how to make stuff from time to time. They want to learn so when I leave (and I will probally right after CIV) they aren't useless.

So on with the rest of the show. Tonight when I was checking TDH ( I get a new PM in my box. It is from my good friend Bob (webcheif). It is the most random PM I think I have even gotten so I feel I have to share it with everyone. Subject: "Yo" Message: "What up biatch?" That's it. I guess he noticed I was sitting on the boards because he sent it while I was online. My response: "Chillin like a villian. Whats Crackin?This by the way was the most random PM I have ever gotten! Congrats." Now what is random about this is not that Bob sent me a Pm to see what is up, he does that every now and then as I have known him for several years now and I only see him at large conventions, but the random part is the way he asked. I laughed for several minutes on that one. If I would have gotten that same PM from Eric or Scotty G I wouldn't have thought more about it. But it was strange coming from Bob. Good times.

I am really bored tonight. the CTRL-ALT-DEL comic today was pretty funny, everyone should go check that out. If you don't know why he has werid looking robot hand/gloves well that means you haven't taken my advise and read this comic and you as a jerk. Go back and read it! NOW!

Oh I confirmed with Robert at work tonight that one of the day workers, Jill, whom I went on a pseudo-date with a while ago is pregnant not just getting weirdly fat. I thought that was odd. But of course I couldn't ask her because if she wasn't preggers then she would be mad I called her fat. Needless to say there are some women who pull of the pregnant look well, Jill isn't one of them. Oh and Rob tells me it is twins! Crazy!

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