Monday, April 23, 2007

Second Verse same as the first

Ok, so I have finnished my work, and my dump (which was rather lightening) and I have returned for another round of verbal abuse. But first I must tell everyone I can think of to check out this webcomic about gamers and nerds in general, since I know many of the people that are reading this fall into one of those two groups most will find it funny. I have become addicted to this comic. I actually sat down over the course of about a week and read then entire series of the strip from the begining until now. Well little did I relize that it was like a three year long comic, oh well it's not like I had anything better to do. So read the thing, as much as you can stand to read, I suggest the whole thing as there are many funny strips in the early days. Below is the actual strip that made me start reading it in the firsts place, if you haven't seen the movie 300 yet, well first kill your self, second go see the damn thing fuck-tard it's amazing, but you won't get the joke in the strip.

So now on with the show. Since I am hopeing that there are a few of you reading this that don't really know me I will tell you a bit about who I am and what I do. First and foremost I am Mark, son of Milton (why don't people ever introduce themselfs like this anymore???). I am twenty five (unless you are reading this after Dec 2, 2007 then I am older). I work two jobs, one durning the day four days a week as a bartender at a golf course. The other job I work is overnights at a hotel doing front desk/ accounting type stuff. The latter of the two affords me lots of free time to play on the internet and pays well. It is also the source of several upcoming rants, one of which will even be tonight. I also paint replica props and costumes as a side income from time to time. I am single as of today, I haven't had a "girlfriend" in over a year (man that sounds pathetic) but I did continue sleeping with my ex for nearly a year after we broke up, we hung out, we had sex, we did everything couples do except call it that. The story of her is a long and tiresome one that I am not in the mood to go into right now, perhaps that will come later, perhaps not as I am doing my best to not even think of the whore-bag. I find it difficult to meet women these days as I spend my few waking hours that are not at work at home working on my props and things. I have a dog and a cat, and I love spending time with them, well the dog anyway. I drink Mountain Dew (the nectar of the Gods) like it is going out of style, not because I really like it, more so because it caused me to have a serious caffine addiction and now it is what keeps the headaches away. I eat pizza very often as it is my favorite food on earth. I eat McDonalds at least three to four times a week prior to going to work at my overnight job. (I don't care what anyone says, it's cheap, I like it, and it helped me lose fourty five pounds) I am quite the chef and I do cook at home very often but I like to eat out just so I don't have to cook. I am not religious but I do believe in a God. I respect everyone's opnion on religion as long as they don't try to force me to convert to what they believe. When I was younger I did not have this same notion and thought that religion was stupid and everyone should be told how dumb it is. I still believe religion is stupid but I have learned respect for other people's decisions on how to live their own lifes as long as they do the same for me. I am a very sarcastic person almost all of the time, as though you hadn't noticed by now. I also have a strong will to give nearly everone a hard time pretty much all the time, if I am not giving someone a hard time it is becuase I like them so little that I don't want to waste breath on them. I can be the nicest person you have ever met and the best friend you will ever meet, I can also be very mean and nasty when the time calls for it (see whore-bag referance above). My real friends know that they can trust me with anything and that I would do anything on earth and beyond for them. My enemys know I will go to the end of the earth to spite them. I am very shy when people first meet me, but shortly after I open up and become very outgoing. I am always honest to everyone. I am very open about almost anything. I am the firsst person to tell you if I don't like something, if you do something and everyone tells you it's great and you want a real answer ask me becuase I am not known to sugar coat things. If you ask me if your pants make you look fat and they do, I will tell you they do. If you ask me if I like your hair and I don't even if you spent hours working on it I will tell you I hate it. Compliments from me are also exctally what I mean, if I am dolling out compliments it is because I acutally mean them, as I don't hand them out often. I think that is enough for now I will get back to rants later tonight when I come in to work, so for now piss off.

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