Thursday, October 16, 2008

P90X baby...

So some of you might know what P90X is and some of you might not. Well I am finally ready to start it! P90X is a workout system, you might have accidentally seen the infomerical on tv if you wen't paying attention or thought it was something else (this happened to Dave, he thought it was about the p90 pistol). But it is basically twelve dvds and a diet program that you spend three monthly payments of $39.95 for. Well I don't really have an extra $39.95 a month right now no have I for the last several months so I wasn't able to start it. The big deal about it is this "as seen on tv" product actually works! I know a bunch of people who have used it with great results (no not the people in the comerical). The thing about it is you just have to follow the instuctions with the diet and exercise plan. This is not an easy plan, in fact you have to be in decent shape to begin with just to start it (there is actually a test, and if you pass you shouldn't do P90X).

I have been trying to get a set of the dvds with out actually paying for them for quite a while now to no avail (I know I am a cheap bastard, save it). Jose had some a while ago but I still had to shell out the fourty or fifty bucks to him for them, again didn't have the spare money. Pete had some but between his school schedule and my work schedule we couldn't ever really get a chance to meet up (neither of our faults). So on a whim I decided to try my luck online and see if I could actually find them on Limewire, and sure enough I did! I now have all tweleve dvds (or rather the video content from said dvds) on my computer thanks to illegal downloading "Thanks internet!". Someone on the 300dc boards posted a link to download all the books you need for the program a while ago so I have all those as well. All I need is to get some printer paper, print out the books, and I am ready to go. Oh I need to get some resistance bands as well but those are easy to get. So I think I am going to take the rest of the week off from the gym since my back has still been bothering me a tiny bit (I want it to get fully better before I start) and I am going to start it on Monday. I am excited.

(I might give the Ab Ripper X dvd a whirl before Monday just because it looks aweful painful in the good way!)

Mark out...

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