Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A big day...

So yesterday (Tuesday for those of you keeping track) was quite a big day for me. I still had the day off but I found some things to do. I made plans with a friend to hang out, originally it was just to go see a movie, then it was dinner and a movie, then dinner, movie, and theme park. We met over at Universal went into the park rode a couple of rides and then went to eat over at my work. Afterwords we went to see that new flick "Eagle Eye". All in all it was a very nice day. I really enjoyed spending time with the person I went with. It sort of felt like a date but we didn't make it offical. I spoke with her today and she wants to make the next time we go out offically a date, so that is good news. For now I am going to keep who it is to my self, we will see down the road how things go before I let the cat out of the bag.

On some other news, I have decided on a new costume. I am going to do Scarlet Spider. He is a clone of Peter Parker (spiderman) who has all of Peter's super powers and becomes a hero as well. His costume is just a little differnt then Peter's and I really like it. It looks like it's a pretty straight forward build also, it could be pretty cheap but anyone who knows me knows that I won't do anything just beacuse it's cheap or easy. So I am going to do a much better looking costume that will cost quite a bit more but I think the end result will look a thousand times better then if I did it cheap. Here is a pic of what the comic looks like.

I have already tracked down a source for the webshooters that he wears on the wrists and his utility belt. The hardest thing to find a good source for is the blue hoodie with the spider on it. It just seems that every place that will do custom screen printing requires at least six or more things to be printed and they run about fourty dollars each. While I have no problem paying fourty for it I doubt I could find five other people who would want one (not to mention that I like to have things other people don't!). The other big problem is every hoodie I can find has that stupid pocket on the stomach of it, and the costume version doesn't. I am sure I will figure something out. Dave suggested I make a spider stencil and then paint it on with like a sponge brush and fabric paints. I might end up at least trying that to see how it comes out.

Also since I mentioned I saw "Eagle Eye" I might as well review it. It was quite a decent movie. It was just one of those pop corn action flicks. Not too deep of a plot, not hard to follow, but entertaining enough to keep my attention. It was a bit predictable from time to time but the main supprise I didn't see coming. All in all I enjoyed the movie quite a bit and I would reccomend it to anyone wanting a couple hours out of the house. All in all A-

That's it for now. Back to doing a whole lot of nothing.

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