Thursday, October 30, 2008

Return of the pumpkins...

So after the epic fail that was my last damn pumpkin carving attempt I just had to try again. Well Cory showed me a link to a new place that made carving patterns that didn't require shaving the pumpkins just cutting holes. I found a bunch of them that I wanted to do but couldn't decide on one. So I went over to Target and found they had pumpkins on sale for $3.50 each! That was an awesome deal so I picked up a couple...four. So far I have carved two of them, I am planning on doing the other two tomorrow. So with out much more adue here are the two I have done. The two I haven't done yet are Heath Ledger as the Joker and Freddy Krueger.

First up is Jason from Friday the 13th.

Next up is King Leonidas from 300.

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